Chapter 801
Ling Tian's fist hit Lu Yunhao's back like a hot wheel, directly hammering him to the ground, paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog.

"Get up!"

"Why don't you get up?"

The onlookers found it extremely boring, and felt that the two brothers surnamed Lu were cowards.

He said it so awesome before, but he was discouraged as soon as he hit it.

But how did they know that Lu Yunxiao had been poisoned, his whole body was limp and weak, let alone beating, even standing up was difficult.

Lu Yunhao, on the other hand, was firmly pressed down by a force of gravity. Every time he wanted to resist, he felt dizzy.As for the fist that hit his back, he dared to bet that it was definitely not something that a warrior at the level of the Orange Spirit King could send out!
Because this force had completely broken through his protection as a fourth-level warrior of the Orange Spirit King, making him helpless to fight.

Not to mention the onlookers, even Lu Yunhao himself didn't know why he was beaten helplessly by a mere warrior of the Orange Spirit King level.

At this moment, his whole mind is in a daze.

So the result was the same as when Ye Chuchen beat his younger brother Lu Yunxiao. Ling Tian didn't give Lu Yunhao any chance to react, and just beat him hard.

When did Lu Yunhao, who was born with an imperial heart, receive such a blow?His delicate body was knocked unconscious after only a few blows.



"Boom boom boom!"

Lu Yunhao was awakened by the noise in his ears.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the treasures he brought out from the palace being thrown on the ground without mercy.

Some were smashed, some were broken, and the rest were thrown on the ground outside the courtyard like a pile of rubbish.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lu Yunhao coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, with two of his teeth mixed in between.Furious, Lu Yunhao got up from the ground and shouted, "Who the hell dares to touch my things?"


At this moment, a flesh-colored monster smashed towards Lu Yunhao, and directly smashed Lu Yunhao to the ground again. That fat body almost killed half of Lu Yunhao's life.

It was with great difficulty that he pulled away the things on his body, and when he took a closer look, his whole body felt bad in an instant.

"Ye King Kong! Ye Shuai! Damn it! Who the hell shaved my Ye Shuai's hair?!"

When the little friends who were helping Ling Tian move heard this, they burst out laughing with a "puchi".

"It's just that ugly ghost, how dare you call it Ye Jingang? You haven't seen King Kong before, have you? You idiot! Just this hairless and small piece of garbage, it's an insult to the reputation of King Kong!"

As a Vajra fan, Ye Chuchen quit immediately when he heard that this cowardly black panther was called Ye Jingang, and scolded him immediately.

"Hee hee, isn't it? Only a slave like this can be called King Kong!"

Suddenly, a creepy and sissy voice came out of Ye Chuchen's ear, frightening her to the side.

"Who? Who the hell? Come out to me!"

"No way! I can't come out now, I will come out to play with my sister when there is no one left!"

"Hiss—you are my brother-in-law's Phantom Spirit Jade King Kong?" Ye Chuchen shuddered twice because of nausea, but she was as excited as if she had been beaten with chicken blood.

Although her brother-in-law had never put Yu Jingang out to meet her, she had heard stories about this coquettish bitch from Xiao Tian'er.

(End of this chapter)

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