My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 900 Explosive Update 51

Chapter 900 Explosive Update 51
"Are you familiar with this person?" Ling Tian asked.

"of course."

"Xiao Tian'er, brother-in-law, I think we should leave Wu Qianli alone, after all, he is a spiritual master, and it won't be too late to deal with him slowly when our strength improves.

Let's go to the bottom of the cliff of Xuanling Peak first. Finding a piece of the Demon Sealing Tablet counts as a piece. "


So a group of people came to the bottom of the cliff of Xuanling Peak quickly under the cover of the four spiritual masters.

The religion is built on a vein of yellow spirit stones, and is covered by a large array of protective mountains. All the spiritual power is gathered around the mountain, so the religion is full of spiritual energy, and the disciples of the religion are more advanced than others. The religious sects or casual cultivators outside are much faster.

However, the sacred mountain is divided into four peaks, among which the canyon in the center of the four mountains and the Xuantian Peak where Guo Wei is located have the most aura.

Because under this area is the yellow spirit stone vein.

"It is said that the Demon-Sealing Tablet should be hidden in the place with the most spiritual energy. It stands to reason that they should hide the pieces of the Demon-Sealing Tablet under Xuantian Peak. Why did they hide at the bottom of the cliff of Xuanling Peak?"

Almost everyone in the sect knows that Xuanling Peak is the place with the least aura among the four peaks. After all, there will not be an inscription pattern master or Taoist talisman master here for hundreds of years.

What's more, the spiritual energy is all upward, and the high-altitude spiritual energy of Xuanling Peak is still sufficient. As for the bottom of the cliff, it can be said that it is the place where the spiritual energy is the rarest in the entire god religion.

The average altitude of the four peaks of Shenjiao is 5600 meters. Because of the aura, most of the vegetation grows above a thousand meters above sea level, and the bottom of the cliff is almost bare.

Descending to the bottom of the cliff, Feng Yun took out a few night pearls from the space ring, which instantly illuminated the boundary of this place.

At the moment when the boundary was illuminated, Ye Chuchen suddenly exclaimed——


"Don't be afraid, lady, I will protect you, they dare not touch you!"

Mu Hun, who thought Ye Chuchen was afraid, immediately guarded his wife in his arms.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Ye Chuchen pushed Muhun unfemininely, and walked towards the cliff with bright eyes.

Under the illumination of the night pearl, the entire cliff and the bottom of the cliff were densely packed with all kinds of snakes and insects.

These things are extremely bright in color, and you can tell at a glance that they are things that can kill people if they touch them.

The key point is that these poisons seem to be extremely nourished by spiritual energy, and the head is at least 20 times the size of a normal poisonous snake and scorpion.

Seeing human beings, these poisonous things seemed to have spiritual intelligence, and they opened their bloody mouths and bit them towards them.

Fortunately, there are spirit venerables everywhere in their group, and they have no fear of such low-level poisonous creatures.

These poisons hit the protective cover, were ejected and died.

"Don't, don't, don't kill me! I want it! I want it!"

Seeing the poison that died instantly, Miss Ye was so distressed that her heart was bleeding.

"Xiao Yezi, these poisons will poison people to death. If you don't kill them, how do you put them into the space?"

Yaoyue has a dense phobia in her eyes. Seeing this densely packed thing, her complexion turned pale, as if she was about to vomit.

"It's terrible to be uneducated. If these poisonous things are kept, extracting the ready-made venom from them is definitely much better than extracting the venom after death. I have never seen these treasures, how can I die."

"Ouch—" Yaoyue finally couldn't bear it anymore, and retched directly.

"My lady, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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