My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 901 Explosive Update 52

Chapter 901 Explosive Update 52
Seeing Ye Chuchen who was trying to get out of the protective shield, Mu Hun instantly became nervous.

"You take off the protective cover, I want to go out."

"What are you doing out there?"

"If I don't go out, how can I get these living things into the space?"

"They will hurt you." Mu Hun resigned.

"No. Let me out."


"Hey, you are mentally retarded, are you disobedient?"

"No, I am the husband of the lady, and I am responsible for the safety of the lady's life."

"Hehe, the truth is quite smooth. Get out of here quickly, I'm really fine."

Seeing that Mu Hun wanted to stop him, Ling Tian said: "Little brother-in-law, just let Xiao Chen'er go out, she is born to restrain these toxic and harmful substances, it's fine."

Mu Hun hesitated: "But..."

"But what a fart! You are standing next to me, you can't help me if something happens to me!"

"That's right. You are so smart, lady."

"mentally retarded!"

Ye Chuchen walked out of the protective cover. Everyone thought that the moment she stepped out of the protective cover, these poisons would pounce on her, but after Ye Chuchen walked out, the eyes of these poisonous things changed.

Be wary.

When Ye Chuchen took a step, they shrank back a certain distance.

Ye Chuchen took another step, and they moved back a little further.

All the poisons seemed to see the nemesis, staring at Ye Chuchen with a pair of terrified eyes.

"Hehe, poisonous things have spiritual wisdom. It must be very poisonous! It just so happens that there is less poison in my space, so you can move to another house in the future and play in my space. I will treat you well!"

As if they had understood Ye Chuchen's words, the poisons let out "hissing" roars one after another, and began to retreat quickly under the incredulous eyes of everyone.

"Want to go?"

Miss Ye showed a bad aunt's smile, and she took out a white paste from nowhere, and then sublimated the orange spiritual power in her hand, and the white paste floated away in all directions.

In an instant, the entire bottom of the cliff was filled with the smoke from the white paste.

Everyone could only hear the sound of "Papapapa..." falling to the ground from time to time.

When the smoke dissipated, the poisons that climbed on the cliff before fell down one after another. In addition to the large area on the ground, each poison was covered with a layer of white powder. At night and early morning.

Ye Chuchen swept the poison on the ground into the space in batches, and cheerfully said to the terrified poison: "Little guys, don't be afraid, Auntie just let you live in another place, you will definitely like it there, wow Ka Ka Ka..."

This is a kind of laughter that can only be uttered after picking up a windfall.

Except for Ling Tian and Feng Yun, everyone didn't know why Ye Chuchen's space could accommodate living things, and why they could accommodate living things at such a fast speed.

After a while, Ye Chuchen took all the poisonous substances on the ground into his own space, then turned around with a satisfied face, clapped his hands, and greeted everyone:

"Hey, there is nothing stopping us now, let's go boldly."

After finishing speaking, he patted Yaoyue's shoulder with a palm.


Yaoyue was so disgusted by Ye Chuchen that she couldn't hold back, she rushed to the hiding place and vomited wildly.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Chuchen asked with concern.

Unexpectedly, after taking a step, Yaoyue shouted palely: "Don't, don't, don't come near me!"

(End of this chapter)

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