My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 903 Explosive Update 54

Chapter 903 Explosive Update 54
"If Dongzhou's traitors hadn't stolen the Demon Sealing Tablet back then, Dongzhou would not have perished in the battle 20 years ago. With Emperor Dongzhou around, Emperor Qianzhong would not dare to be as confident as he is now."

Seeing Yaoyue's little appearance that I know everything, Feng Yun is too lazy to talk to him.

Back then, how much they wanted to find the Demon Sealing Tablet, how could this brat know.

If he had been so lucky back then, and could find the demon-sealing stele quickly, the millions of soldiers in Dongzhou would not have died.No matter how powerful Di Qianzhong was, he didn't have the guts to come to Dongzhou to make trouble.

No one understood better than him the despair in everyone's hearts at the end of that battle.

"Is the Demon Sealing Monument behind this cliff?" Ling Tian asked.


Feng Yun nodded: "There is a layer of restriction on it, and there is an inscription pattern formation on it. Once it is opened, the person who inscribed the inscription pattern will know immediately."

"If you know it, you will know. How big is the relationship between a man and a woman? Anyway, we already know the person named Wu Qianli. We took the demon sealing tablet inside, and immediately went to Wu Qianli to ask for news about the remaining demon sealing tablet, and then Shouldn't it be enough to get the remaining few demon-sealing tablets as quickly as possible?"

"What about your brain?" Ye Chuchen couldn't help complaining: "The man knew that the fragments of the Sealing Demon Tablet had been stolen, so he must have told Di Qianzhong immediately. Even if we had captured Wu Qianli at that time, the rest of the seal Do we still dare to take the magic tablet? If Di Qianzhong hadn’t set up many traps waiting for us to be caught, he wouldn’t be called Di Qianzhong anymore!”

Yaoyue scratched her head: "Why do you want us to go? We captured Wu Qianli, and then sent troops to join forces from Xizhou and Nanzhou to take out the Demon Sealing Tablet!

The Demon Sealing Tablet is one of the only six remaining artifacts in the world, and it is the nemesis of demons from outside the region. Anyone who dares to stop the prince from searching for the Demon Sealing Tablet will be a sinner on this continent.Even if Di Qianzhong did all the bad things, he wouldn't have the guts to make an enemy of the entire continent, would he? "

"You are so naive!" Ye Chuchen couldn't help but patted Yaoyue's head.

Yaoyue thought of something, her complexion changed, and she vomited out with a "wow".

"You you go away! Your paws are so dirty, don't touch me!"

"Tch, don't think I don't know. You never take a bath. Every time you get dirty, you just lick your hair with your tongue. I don't think you are dirty. You are covered in your own saliva. What right do you have to think that you are dirty?" I'm dirty?"

Yaoyue stared: "Our family doesn't need to take a bath at all! Who doesn't use licking to clean up the fox? Only in this way can we keep our skin and coat healthy! Our saliva is the best disinfectant, okay, this There is nothing cleaner in the world than our saliva!"

"Fart! Lao Tzu's disinfectant is definitely cleaner than your saliva!"

"How is it possible! You are not a fox clan, you don't understand."

"I don't understand, I just know that you will always have a smell that can't be washed clean. That's why people call you show foxes. Otherwise, if you look at other races, why don't you say show cats, show dogs, show shows?" Wolf or something?"

"Where did I flirt? Hey, Sayoko, can you still talk properly?"

"Okay, okay!" Seeing the two mentally handicapped quarreling, Ling Tian was speechless: "You both are dirty!"

An old love dealing with poison.

The one who didn't like to take a bath destroyed all the good impressions of the vixen in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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