My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 904 Explosive Update 55

Chapter 904 Explosive Update 55
"Where are we dirty?" Miss Ye was dissatisfied.

"That's right, both of us will get dirty from you everywhere! Dealing with the filthiest soul in the world all day long!"

"En." Ye Chuchen nodded heavily.

Seeing the three of them pinching each other, Feng Yun, Mu Hun and the two guards wisely chose to shut up.

"Okay, we're not dirty."


"I feel so too."

After arguing for a long time, Ling Tian finished with one sentence, and the other two seconded.

That's it for this topic.

"Xiao Lingzi, what do you think we should do now? The Demon Sealing Tablet is right in front of us, can we just watch it locked up?"

"Of course not." Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen said in unison.

Yaoyue's eyes lit up: "What can you do?"

"Brother, please use your spiritual power to brighten up this restriction."

Although Feng Yun didn't know what Ling Tian was going to do, he also listened to her, using purple spiritual power to illuminate the restriction.

Under the coercion of purple spiritual power, the ban released its resistance.Therefore, on top of the prohibition, there were strips of forbidden spells with inscription patterns on the stone wall in front of Ling Tian.

"Hmph, this person's inscription technique is not bad, it's even better than you and me." Ye Chuchen snorted coldly.

Ling Tian glanced at her, and couldn't help complaining: "We're both scumbags! His inscription pattern technique is nothing more than a low-level technique at best."

"Then they are better at inscription patterns than both of you anyway, is it possible that you two are planning to learn inscription patterns now, and then come to lift this restriction?" Yaoyue feels that these two people are really unreliable sometimes.

"Who said I'm going to learn the inscription technique? I'm a scumbag, learn ass." If she could learn it, she would have learned it a long time ago.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Yaoyue was still asking, Ling Tian had already taken out something from the space.

When Ye Chuchen saw it, his eyes widened: "Wow, you have everything in this space!"

Ling Tian chuckled: "It was exchanged for 1 point."

"Crap! I want to say to use my talent for painting. You, who are against the sky, can actually exchange for Polaroids!"

"Polaroid? What is that?" Yaoyue was like a curious baby.

"You don't understand it."

"Hey, is there anything in this world that I, Prince Yaoyue, don't know? Although my mother doesn't let me leave the palace, I know a lot of things in this world, okay! As long as you tell me, I will definitely know... I Damn!!! Why??? How did this happen?"

Yaoyue was bragging that she knew everything, and Ling Tian had already "clicked" on the inscription array with her Polaroid.

A piece of paper slipped out of the machine, and then Ling Tian shook it, and the pattern exactly like the formation appeared on the paper.

Not even a tiny grain was spared.

"What kind of technique is this?" Yaoyue's entire fox was excited, she took the Polaroid in Ling Tian's hand, and couldn't put it down.

"Xiao Lingzi, since we have such a good relationship, can you give me this spirit weapon?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was still flinging the photo, agreed without thinking about it, after all, it was only exchanged for 1 point.

"Thank you so much! Little Lingzi, you are so generous! This is the most amazing gift I have ever received in my life! How could you tell me all the details of this formation in such a short period of time? Is it not recorded in it?"

(Buildings: the 2nd, 7th, and 9th floors are the winning readers. Requirements: apprentices and above, no repeated building. The prize is 300 book coins)

(End of this chapter)

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