My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 907 Explosive Update 58

Chapter 907 Explosive Update 58
Yaoyue and the other two Spirit Venerables cried out, and even Mu Hun was startled.

"Wannian stalactite!"

Feng Yun's words obviously brightened the eyes of everyone except Xiao Tian'er and Xiao Chen'er.

"It's no wonder that the aura here is so abundant. It turns out that there are ten thousand-year-old stalactites here."

"Is this thing awesome?" Ye Chuchen couldn't help asking.

"Of course, after drinking this stuff, even the Lingzun's strength can be improved by a level!"

"Ten thousand years of stalactite is a treasure that can be encountered but not sought after. It is slowly formed after more than ten thousand years of gathering the aura of heaven and earth at one point. After ten thousand years of accumulation, every ten thousand years will Only a drop of emulsion will fall in a year."

The two guards of Yaoyue hurriedly popularized the knowledge of the Wannian stalactites to Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen. Looking at the stalactites, even the Adam's apple couldn't help moving, it seemed that they were too greedy.

"It seems that all of you know about the ten-thousand-year-old stalactite, why didn't Guo Wei and the others find it when they came in?"

Ye Chuchen also nodded and said: "Yes, obviously, this magic tablet has not been moved since it was put in. If this is really a ten thousand-year stalactite, it will take ten years to drop a single drop. So what happened to the stalactite that Xiaotian'er stuck to his hand? And why is the gelatin of the emulsion on the fragments of the magic tablet?"

Two guards: "...!!" That's right, why?
"But I can smell it, this needle is really stalactite." Yaoyue affirmed.

"Then why can so many emulsions be produced in just over 200 years?" Ye Chuchen asked.

The crowd was silent.

Feng Yun looked at it for a while, then waved his hand, and the sharpest part of the square stone bell above everyone's heads fell off in one piece after a flash of silver light.

The two guards of Yaoyue exclaimed at the same time.

After all, this is a stone clock!A super baby that gathers the essence of heaven and earth to produce stalactites.

It was cut like this!

That thing, even if they are such spiritual masters, they can't cut it off!After all, this is the most precious thing in the world, and its hardness can be imagined.

They really wanted to ask this "Mr. Jun" how he destroyed the stone clock with a wave of his hand.

What a prodigal!
But the next moment, everyone's eyes lit up.

After the so-called "stone bell" was cut off, a lot of sticky white substance suddenly flowed down from the top.


The crowd exclaimed.

It turned out that it was not the stone bell that was exposed outside, but the stone bell rock.

After the stalactite fell down, it was caught by the rock and kept there.

"It's no wonder that Guo Wei and the others didn't find this treasure when they came in to place the Demon Sealing Tablet. It must have been when they first came in, and the stalactites hadn't started to seep from this stalactite."


Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw the stalactites falling from the heights.

Finally, Ye Chuchen took out small bottles one by one, and filled each drop of these incomparably precious stalactites.

After all the stalactites were loaded without leaking, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"I didn't expect so many stalactites to be formed in this place where the aura is not strong!"

Looking at the whole seven bottles of lotion, Yaoyue, the crown prince of the Beizhou mainland who is used to seeing good things, couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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