My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 908 Explosive Update 59

Chapter 908 Explosive Update 59
Ye Chuchen curled her lips: "It's only seven bottles, where are the more?"

"When the time comes, we'll take a little out of each bottle and give it to Hua Hua." Ling Tian suggested.

"En." Ye Chuchen nodded.

Feng Yun rubbed Ling Tian's head: "It only takes ten drops of this stalactite to raise a spiritual master to one level, eating too much is useless."

Ling Tian's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"En." Fengyun nodded: "It's the first time I've seen so many stalactites in my life."

"Then let's have a bottle for each of the seven of us."


Neither Ling Tian nor Ye Chuchen are greedy people, and now there are seven of them, just seven bottles.Four bottles are more than enough for them.

But Yaoyue is not a greedy person: "We can't use three bottles here, only one bottle is enough, you can take the remaining two bottles."

"This is on the territory of your Beizhou Continent, and we can be regarded as all of you. Wouldn't it be a loss for you to only take one bottle?"

"Xiao Yezi, we are all friends, what is there to lose? And without you, I wouldn't get this stalactite.

Sometimes having too many treasures is actually a hindrance. These two guards of mine are my diehard loyalists. You can rest assured that the two of them are definitely not people who talk nonsense.This bottle of stalactite is enough for 20 people, so I don't need any more.

You will definitely need more people here, so I will just take a bottle, and you can take the rest.If you can't use it up, I'll put it in your place. When I need it, it's the same when I come to you again. "

"Okay, then we won't be polite to you. If you need it, come and get it at any time."

Ling Tian also stopped being polite to Yaoyue, and put all the remaining six bottles into the space.

Also put into the space is the Demon Sealing Tablet.

When another fragment of the Demon Sealing Tablet entered the space and joined with the other two fragments, another movement occurred in the space.

Another big gift package appeared under the space to be opened.

"We've already got what we need, let's go back and upgrade again, and re-seal this enchantment."

Ling Tian nodded: "Then we will seal this inscription pattern formation back."

"Little Tian'er, you are so wimpy!" Ye Chuchen smirked
"Why is it bad? We can't destroy the fruits of other people's labor at will!"

So a group of people took the Demon Sealing Tablet and the Wannian stalactite, and then re-sealed the inscription formation outside according to the previous method, and happily returned to their courtyard.

Everything has been stolen. As the arranger of the inscription formation, the maker of the mirror image symbol, and a certain general who is responsible for guarding all the demon-sealing tablets, he is completely ignorant at this moment that his branches in the Beizhou continent have all been destroyed.

Yao Yue and his two guards returned to their own courtyard, while Ling Tian, ​​Feng Yun, Ye Chuchen and Mu Hun returned to Ling Tian's courtyard.

"Young Master, Eldest Young Master, Miss Ye, Uncle Mu, you are back!"

"Xiao Yu? Why are you back?"

"It was my brother who asked me to come back. He said he was afraid that the people from the God Cult would find out that I had gone out." After saying that, Xiao Yu stuck out her tongue.

"What did you find? Are you so distrustful of the Eldest Young Master?"

Xiao Yu's face turned red in an instant, and she quickly waved her hands: "No, no, it's because my brother said that it was thanks to the young master that he was able to enter the divine sect to study, so I shouldn't cause trouble for the young master. Came back."

(End of this chapter)

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