My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 909 Explosive Update 60

Chapter 909 Explosive Update 60
"It's just right to come back, Xiaoyu, come here."

Ling Tian pulled Xiao Yu into the inner room: "Come, sit down."

Xiao Yu glanced at Ling Tian suspiciously, and sat down on the stool.

"Sit on the ground!"

Xiao Yu glanced at the mysterious Ling Tian suspiciously, and immediately sat down on the ground according to her words.

"Open your mouth."

"Head up."

"Close your eyes."

Xiao Yu followed suit one by one.

Ten drops of stalactite dripped into Xiao Yu's mouth.

Before swallowing it down, Xiao Yu felt an unprecedented burst of aura.


Seeing Xiao Yu swallowing, Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen couldn't help swallowing.

Almost as soon as he swallowed it, Xiao Yu's face flushed red.

Under the impact of the ten thousand-year-old stalactites, a strong water spirit force suddenly rioted, and the face that was originally flushed was twisted instantly, and the veins were exposed.

Ye Chuchen immediately took out the silver needle, and told Xiao Yu, "Relax, hold on to the dantian, keep the core and keep the one, you can exercise your mind, and I will use the silver needle to protect you."

Xiao Yu is a water spirit body, and her meridians have not been fully opened. Now that her water spirit body is rioting, if she does not forcefully use silver needles to widen her meridians, her only result is that her spiritual power will burst through her meridians, and eventually she will die.

But the people present were not worried at all at the moment.

After all, there is Miss Ye, a miraculous doctor, and after seeing how she healed Xiao Yu's water spirit body, a fatal situation was transformed into an easy cure in an instant.

Although it is still being treated every three to five times, the riot of Xiao Yu's powerful water spirit power in the body no longer makes everyone feel horrified and worried.

Sure enough, just after more than 20 silver needles were inserted into the acupuncture point, Xiao Yu's raised veins had slowly shrunk back.

Although his complexion was still flushed and looked extremely painful, it was already the normal color after being impacted by spiritual power on his meridians.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yu opened his eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly.


Xiao Yu stood up excitedly, not knowing what to say.

Ling Tian looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes slowly opened wide.

"Hey! As expected of the legendary water spirit body, it has surpassed a whole level!!!"

Before Yaoyue's guards said that even Lingzun could surpass one level, she knew that if it was them, it must be more than one level.

But she did not expect this level of leap.

From the third level of the Orange Spirit King to the third level of the Huang Lingsheng, although the spiritual power required in the middle is still not at all one hundredth, or even one thousandth, of breaking through from the first level of the Lingzun to the second level of the Lingzun.

However, the meridians of the human body are slowly expanding, and a large-scale leap requires more than just the accumulation of spiritual energy.

So this entire level of leaping surprised everyone present.


Against the sky!
"Young master, what exactly did you feed me?"

Ling Tian chuckled: "Of course it's a good thing! I'll have someone take you out tomorrow, and you can give your brother something to eat."

"This thing must be very expensive..."

"Things are precious, but I have a lot!" Ling Tian smiled like a cat who stole fish, his eyes were crooked.

Every time there is a good Ling Tian will think of her and her brother, and never forget.Before he said that he regarded them as his brothers and sisters, they thought it was just treating them a little bit better for the sake of their grandfather who used to be the head of Dongzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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