My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 910 Explosive Update 61

Chapter 910 Explosive Update 61
But I didn't expect that after getting along for more than two months, Ling Tian really regarded them as brothers and sisters, and would remember to give them a share of everything that was good.

It made her and her brother feel guilty.I feel that I owe Ling Tian a lot.It's not over in this lifetime.

"My lord, thank you!"

"Sisters say thank you or not, see you! You see, Xiao Chen'er never thanked me!"

After all, Ling Tian looked at Feng Yun and Mu Hun and said, "You two come first. Which one of you will take it first? Brother-in-law, why don't you come first!"

Mu Hun shook his head: "This is useless to me."

"Mentally retarded, didn't your eyes light up when you saw this thing just now? Why do you say it's useless?"

"Because it's useless! My eyes shine because it has a great effect on my lady. My lady, I can protect the law for you. After taking it, your strength will definitely improve very quickly! And my lady will have a big breakthrough!"

Ye Chuchen frowned: "It's really useless to you?"

"En." Mu Hun nodded.

"You are mentally retarded, what you say doesn't matter, hurry up, open your mouth, maybe a bottle will be useful to you."

"Although this thing contains immortal energy, it is useless to a beast that is already out of the plane. Not only is it useless to him, but it is also useless to me. So my sister-in-law doesn't have to force him to eat it.

This thing is extremely precious, so let's store any extra, as there are still many people who need it.Now, Muhun and I will protect the law for you, eat it and see how much you can advance? "

Ye Chuchen and Ling Tian both looked disappointed.

"Brother, you really can't eat either?"

Feng Yun rubbed Ling Tian's head: "Could it be that I'm still being polite to you?"

"OK then."

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen could only put ten drops in their mouths each.

Before swallowing, a very strong aura has swept through the mouth.

The stalactite melts at the entrance, penetrates instantly, and begins to rapidly impact the meridians of the whole body through the blood.

Ling Tian quickly circulated the "Onmyoji Secret Record" mental method, and quickly introduced the violent aura into the golden elixir according to the mental method.

The golden elixir body was not shattered due to the violent and vigorous spiritual power, but it was tempered heartily in this violent temper, which made Ling Tian feel an unparalleled sense of comfort.

Feng Yun said before that she has a female body of Xuanyin, and there will be no obstacles in her cultivation throughout her life.The pain that others have to endure once they upgrade, there is no such thing as her.

The bottleneck that occurs every time others upgrade, she will never appear in her life.

Most warriors stagnate for a long time because of the insurmountable bottleneck, which eventually leads to the end of their lifespan. It is not a problem for her at all.

So while Ling Tian was cultivating, she looked inside her body, and she felt that her meridians were like a carrier whose bandwidth could be extended to infinity.No matter how much spiritual energy enters the body, as long as she operates the correct mental method to guide these spiritual powers, the meridian can absorb and transfer the sudden extra spiritual power to the golden core in the first time without any obstacles.

The whole process is extremely simple and rude.

Ling Tian feels that her body is like a fully automated workflow, she doesn't need to worry about it at all, it's even simpler than when she was practicing, she doesn't even need the basic process of drawing qi into the body, and directly stores the spiritual power in the dantian The place is ok.

Slowly, under the nourishment of countless auras, the golden core began to gradually deform.

(End of this chapter)

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