My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 919 Explosive Update 72

Chapter 919 Explosive Update 72
Miss Ye was depressed, and the more she thought about it, the worse she got, she jumped up again with a "slap" and slapped Muhun on the head.

"Miss—" Mu Hun felt that she was wronged, and explained: "I didn't smell her, I smelled a burning smell, and then I saw her walking bumpy, so I guessed it. Didn't you smell it?" Does she have a burnt smell?"

Ye Chuchen sniffed, but didn't smell anything, and hit Muhun on the head again with a "slap".

"Damn mentally retarded, I warn you! From now on, you are never allowed to smell women other than me. If I know that you smell other women behind my back, I will divorce you!"

Mu Hun pursed his lips, and pitifully weakly defended: "I didn't smell other women, I just smelled burnt."

"Still sophistry!"

Mu Hun: "..." He just doesn't quibble, what's the big deal?

"You are a dragon, the most awesome animal, okay? Don't be like a dog all day long."

"My lady, I'm not an animal, I'm a divine beast!"

"Isn't a beast an animal? A divine beast is an animal that looks like a god. Isn't that an animal?"

Mu Hun: "..." A good man doesn't talk back to his wife!
Then, in order to prevent being hunted down, Ye Chuchen took Mu Hun back to his residence in a hurry.

Xiaoyu, who had been in the room, felt embarrassed when she heard what the two said, so she simply packed her things and went to Xuantian Peak to do the task assigned by the instructor.

In the bedroom, Feng Yun carefully applied the medicine to Ling Tian.

Soon, Ling Tian's cut chrysanthemum slowly healed.

Getting up from the bed, the two of them stared at each other.


Thinking of the thunder calamity from last night to this morning, Feng Yun couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

As a result, Ling Tian's already resentful face became even more resentful.

Rubbing Ling Tian's head, Feng Yun explained: "It's nothing, it's better than a narrow escape. Lei Jie loves you."

Ling Tian is not a hypocritical girl either.

Chrysanthemum was exposed to Jie Lei for the first time, and she quickly forgot about it.

It was only then that she remembered that there was a big gift package in the space.

Looking inside the space, Ling Tian's eyes lit up instantly.

Two big gift bags!
Why are there two?
One of them was given by the Demon Sealing Tablet, Ling Tian knew it.

So she opened another new big gift bag.

There were actually 18 silver balls like grenades inside.

On the silver ball, there is still "zizi" braving electric light.

This breath... Isn't it the Jielei who slashed her face, mouth, buttocks and pi before?
When she opened the gift bag and saw the 18 tribulation lightning balls, Ling Tian was in a bad mood, afraid that the tribulation thunder would hit her again.

However, after the big gift bag was opened, the silver thunderballs just floated peacefully in her space and did nothing wrong, so Ling Tian put them away and put them in the isolated storage space.

Thinking about the power of those teasing thunders that couldn't even split her face, Ling Tian curled his lips, obviously he didn't like this thing.

But since it's a gift bag for her, she can keep it.Maybe Huahua can add a few inscriptions to her and make an electric shock stick.

After looking at the space, the original 6000 points soared to 57000 points after killing Guo Wei and Yuan Zheng!
When Guo Wei died before, she took the time to look at the points, and the points changed from 6000 to 7000.

After Yuan Zheng rushed into her space, she was so focused on letting him tell the news about the Demon Sealing Tablet that she forgot to check the points.

(End of this chapter)

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