My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 920 Explosive Update 73

Chapter 920 Explosive Update 73
Looking at it now, it has actually increased a full 5 points!
This is the same amount of points as she got after crushing Shangguan Fu's lamp.

However, Shangguan Fu is a spiritual master, and he is still a middle-level spiritual master, while Yuan Zheng is only a high-ranking Lan Linghuang. There is no comparison between the two.

In terms of doing bad things and killing people, she also believed that Yuan Zheng must not have done as many as Shangguan Fu.

After all, Yuan Zheng has been guarding the divine religion all year round, even if he wants to kill people, it is not easy.

So the only explanation is...

Killing monsters will accumulate more points than killing bad guys.

At this moment, Ling Tian's thought was: It seems that he met a few more monsters!
To ordinary people, monsters that look like nightmares, to Ling Tian, ​​they are delicious prey that can quickly increase her karma points!
Click to open the big gift bag, and sure enough there are many surprises inside.

When she got the second demon sealing tablet last time, she was given 5 points as a gift, and her version was automatically upgraded to lv3.

This time was no exception, the system automatically upgraded her version to lv4 without buying expensive points, and at the same time gave away... 10 points.

The amount of points instantly changed from 5.7 to 15.7.

Ling Tian: "...???"

The last time I found the second demon sealing tablet, I only gave away 5 points!Why is it 10 this time?Is it because the one found this time is bigger?
In addition to the gift of 10 points, this time you can choose to upgrade the two existing exercises at the same time.

In the existing exercises, there is still no upgrade option for soul restoration.

So Ling Tian did not hesitate to choose the most expensive "Teleportation" to upgrade.

When her space version was still lv3 before, the maximum distance of "Teleportation" was 100 meters, and there were only 6 chances per day.

However, after the version was upgraded to lv4, there were two options for the skill "Teleportation", one was to teleport 200 meters and cost 5 points, and the other was to teleport 300 meters and cost 6 points.

Anyway, it is an upgrade that does not cost money, Ling Tian of course chooses the maximum.

Teleport 300 meters, can be used 8 times a day.

The rest glanced at the upgrades of various martial arts in the lv4 version.

That kind of continuous upgrade to lv4 version basically requires 4 points.So Ling Tian casually chose to upgrade "Shenlong Zhanjue".

The third layer of "Shenlong Zhanjue" is Feilongjue.

The first level of Linglongjue can emit a sword energy, making her figure extremely agile and fast, and the sword energy can turn corners.The second level of Kuanglongjue can emit two sword qi, allowing her to have the acceleration of gravity on the basis of Linglongjue.Any enemy that comes close to her attack range will be affected by her gravity, causing its gravity to suddenly double.And the third level of Flying Dragon Jue can emit three sword qi at the same time!

The reason why this layer is called Flying Dragon Art, as the name suggests, refers to the fact that sword energy can go up to the sky and into the earth.Not only that, with one swing of the sword, the three sword qi can attack three different targets.Not only can the sword qi turn around, but under the control of her divine sense, the sword qi can also be driven at will.

Of course, the farther the sword energy is from her, the more power of the soul is needed, and the more difficult it is to control.But this is very useful to Ling Tian.

After all, her soul is much stronger than other fighters of the same level, and can repair itself.

After finishing the gift from the system, Ling Tian spent another 4 points to upgrade "Soul Attack".

(End of this chapter)

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