My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 921 Explosive Update 74

Chapter 921 Explosive Update 74
The third layer of "Soul Attack" is called Zhihuan.

The Zhihuan on the third floor is completely different from the Hawkeye on the first floor and the crowing on the second floor.The first two are dedicated to mind and soul attacks, and the illusion is somewhat similar to modern hypnosis, but it is more powerful than hypnosis.

Because hypnosis is useless if you encounter someone with strong mental power.But Zhihuan, even if he encounters a person with extremely strong mental power, as long as the opponent's strength is not more than two levels above her, then Zhihuan's attack will hit the target with every shot.

"Soul Attack" cost 4 points, and the remaining 11.7 points, she used 4 points to buy the inheritance of a fourth-rank alchemist directly over a third-rank alchemist.Then spent another 4 points, bypassing the third-rank refiner, and directly purchased the inheritance of the fourth-rank refiner.

Because alchemists and weapon refiners can leapfrog cultivation.Just like in the outer land, there were one or two spiritual masters who could become first-rank alchemists and first-rank weapon refiners.

So now, although she is only at the level of Huang Lingsheng, she can buy the inheritance of a fourth-rank alchemist and a fourth-rank weapon refiner whose pill fire and weapon fire are both green flames.

With the remaining 3.7 points, Ling Tian spent 5 and took out a loan of 1.3 points to exchange for a magic amulet.

The reason why it is so expensive is because this magic talisman is aimed at top-level spiritual masters.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was still her family Fengyun.

Seeing Ling Tian opened his eyes, Feng Yun rubbed Ling Tian's head habitually, and said with a smile, "How is it? Isn't it a great harvest?"

Ling Tian smiled and nodded, then took out a Dao Talisman from the space.

"God talisman."

Feng Yun could see the interest of this talisman at a glance.


Seeing Ling Tian trying to open his interspatial ring, Feng Yun immediately opened the ring.Then Ling Tian stuffed the amulet into it.

"Although your illness is cured now, I will be worried when I think of you leaving me. So I exchanged a magic talisman from the system. This magic talisman is useful to the world's top powerhouses Yes. Even if you are facing Di Qianzhong, if he wants to hurt you, you can crush this magic amulet and escape.

You have to remember that you already have me now, and you have half of my life, so no matter how dangerous things are, you can't use your own body to fight hard, you know? "

Taking out the magic amulet in the space, looking at it cherishedly in his hand, Feng Yun felt that his heart was warm.

"Don't worry. If you can't let me go, how can I let you go? I'm already a man with a wife, and I won't make fun of my own life. What's more, we haven't had our revenge yet. If you don't look at Di Qianzhong died in front of me, how could I be reconciled?"

"Oh, you mean, if you have to avenge your revenge, you will be willing?"

Feng Yun was helpless: "Little Tian'er, you know that's not what I meant."

"Anyway, in short, within three months, you must appear in front of me safe and sound, or I will go to Central Continent to find you!"


Ling Tian pouted unhappily, knowing that he was going to tell her something she didn't like to hear.

"I swear, I will definitely return to you in the shortest possible time. But whether I can come back within three months, I really don't know.

But you have so many jade slips that I gave you, each of which can say 20 breath-length words. "

(End of this chapter)

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