My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 922 Explosive Update 75

Chapter 922 Explosive Update 75
"When you report my safety every day, you can also tweet what you want to say to me. After Fei Yu sees it, he will choose a suitable time to present the jade slip to me. And I will also spare time every day to talk with you. You use the Jade Slip to announce your safety."

Ling Tian also knew that this matter was completely out of Feng Yun's control, so he could only add conditions: "Not only do you have to report to me that you are safe, you also have to tell me what happens every day at your side. In this way, I can also give you advice. I can also know whether there is any danger on your side."

Feng Yun held Ling Tian's face in both hands, and then placed affectionate kisses on her forehead, chin, both cheeks, nose tip and lips.

"Don't worry, although I am Feng Yun, no one knows my identity. To Di Qianzhong, I am just the most inconspicuous son under his command. Anyway, I have been in Central Continent for 20 years. Something will happen."

Feng Yun's enlightenment only made Ling Tian relax a little bit.

Although she knew that he was just "going home", she just couldn't bear it and couldn't let go, for fear that something would happen to him.

"Also. I've thought about it. With you and my sister-in-law who can cause trouble, you..."

"Wait, wait!" Hearing Feng Yun's words, Ling Tian immediately went into a rage: "What is a system that stirs up trouble?"

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing and said: "We walked all the way from the outlander, have you provoked less scum? I have lived such an old age, and the scum that I have provoked is not half as much as you."

"I'm a professional, okay?!" Ling Tian said quite seriously: "Let me tell you, my master said before that because I was born with the ability to break yin and yang and have supernatural powers, so while having this supernatural power, I , I also shoulder the heavy responsibility of removing dregs. So I am not causing trouble, I am the one who shoulders the heavy responsibility of removing dregs!"

"Okay, got it, little slag removal expert!"

Ling Tian: "..."

"Since you don't provoke the scumbags, and the scumbags will come for you to eliminate, then I am even more worried about letting you stay in the god religion.

Although Yuan Zheng has been eliminated, Jue Mingxin is not a reliable person.You probably won't be able to hide from people for a long time about your upgrade to Huang Lingsheng.So for your safety, I want to send you and my sister-in-law away.When I come back, I will go there to find you. "

"Where do you want to send us?"

"Soul Hall."

"Soul Palace? What is that?"

"The Soul Palace is the largest sect in Dongzhou. It has sub-helms in Nanzhou, Beizhou, Xizhou and Zhongzhou. Mengcheng, the master of Soul Palace, is the leader of the martial arts in Dongzhou mainland, and he is also one of the four major guards under my command. The strongest one."

"Feilong's name is Yunluo, and he is the leader of Anbu. Feiyu's name is Li Jue, and he is the leader of Tianji Pavilion. Feiyang is now protecting Huahua in Xizhou, and Mengcheng should be one of your four "Fei" guards. Didn’t Feichen show up before?”


"Then you have never told me who Feiyang is? I only know that he is a spiritual master."

"Feiyang's name is Beixuanmo, and he is the right prime minister in Zhongzhou. Because he likes to flirt, he has a higher status in Zhongzhou than me. And he has already won a group of trustworthy people with high positions. A powerful minister of civil and military affairs. So even if Feiyu is not here, I will be fine. Now you should feel relieved, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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