Chapter 933 Clone
Because of the loud noise, Hua Liming was startled and looked aside.

Gu Qianchou, who was sitting there by himself just now, suddenly turned into two.

Um?two? !
Hua Lixiao thought that something was wrong with her cervical spine, she rubbed her eyes, twisted her neck, and opened her eyes again!
Still two!
So did she get the flash?It's still the kind of 1000 degrees plus!
The two Gu Qianchou looked exactly alike. They were sitting cross-legged on the ground with their eyes open, looking at her with a faint smile on their lips.

Gu Qianchou's smile is beautiful!
Especially with those star-like eyes, if it is not for strong willpower, I am afraid that few women can resist his iceberg man's smile.


Two identical smiles magnified in front of her, which was unacceptable.

" did you become two?"

"This is my avatar."

Hua Lixiao: "..." Sure enough, the fantasy world doesn't explain it.

"I have been practicing this kind of avatar technique, and I had already reached the end of it 20 years ago, but because of the sudden extra lightning power in my body, and it was still the body of the thunder spirit, I had to stop the practice of the water system technique.

Fortunately, you are the body of the earth spirit, and after you became husband and wife, you healed my wounds, sorted out my meridians, and gave me another chance to practice this set of exercises.

Some time ago, because this courtyard was full of aura, I started to attack the last part of this set of exercises again. Now this set of exercises that has been practiced for more than 400 years has finally completed.Xiaoer, thank you. " Gu Qianchou expressed his sincere gratitude.

"'s okay, helping others is the foundation of happiness." Hua Lixiao responded unnaturally.


After a barely audible sound effect, the two Gu Qianchou became a whole again.Hua Liming asked curiously: "How many times can you separate in a day?"

"Countless times, as long as I want, I can separate."

"What is the use of this avatar? It is operated by the power of the soul? How many souls do you need to separate to operate him?"

"The avatar is indeed operated by the soul. If there is less soul, the avatar will be weak, and if there are more souls, the avatar will be strong. The strength of this avatar body is the same as that of my own body, so even if I give him the least His soul power, his strength can also reach the strength of the first stage of the Blue Spirit Emperor. If I don't make a move, when the clone fights against the enemy, the strength can be no less than mine."

Hua Lixiao's eyes widened.

A clone is so much stronger than her real body...

Seeing envy written in capital letters on Hua Lixiao's face, Gu Qianchou smiled and said: "You are the body of an earth spirit, and you will progress very quickly. And you still have me. I will protect you. What do you want to do?" , and can send me at will.”


Facing Gu Qianchou, who wanted to talk to her like this from time to time in an attempt to make her stay, Hua Lixiao didn't know how to face him.

Seeing Hua Lixiao's embarrassment, Gu Qianchou immediately changed the subject and said, "By the way, what about those pictures you have been drawing before? Have you finished drawing them?"

When he was a little embarrassed, the servant came to report: "My lord, Huangfu Gongchen, the great emperor of Xizhou, has arrived, and he is waiting outside the mansion. Along with him are Prime Minister Hua Yukun, and the newly appointed Bing Ma Da Marshal Meng Qisheng."

"Is there a new Generalissimo in Xizhou?" Hua Lixiao was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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