My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 934 The Great Emperor's Turtle Shell

Chapter 934 The Great Emperor's Turtle Shell

Previously, Huangfu Gongchen looked like he couldn't live without Gu Qianchou, but now it's only been more than two months, not only has he not come back, but he already has a new Generalissimo.

"He had already found a new generalissimo a month ago."

"What about you?"

Seeing that Hua Lixiao was worried about herself, Gu Qianchou smiled and said: "Don't worry, within two months, he will take the initiative to send a soldier talisman, begging me to go back."

Hua Lixiao expressed doubts about Gu Qianchou's words.

"Go, accompany me out to meet him."

After finishing speaking, he habitually took Hua Lixiao's hand.

"Great Emperor, just sleep here obediently, I'll be back in a while."

Hua Lixiao said hello to the spirit turtle who didn't know whether she was practicing or sleeping or wandering in the sky, and left.

Almost out of the garden, the Little Spirit Turtle reacted with a very long reflex arc, and said: "Sister, I'm going too, I want to sleep next to my sister."

Sure enough, he was sleeping.

Other people's spirit beasts advance and retreat together with their masters, cultivating themselves in the master's spirit.Only her spirit beast sleeps all the time.Even if it entered her soul, every time she sent a ray of consciousness to look at it, it would still be sleeping.

Hua Lixiao said that she was very tired to have such a turtle that only eats meat and sleeps.

Hearing the Emperor's Hanhan's voice, which reacted slowly, Hua Lixiao felt that she shouldn't name it the Great Emperor, she should call it Hanhan.

Sighed: "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, the Great Emperor turned into a green streamer and entered her consciousness.

The green streamer flashed by, but Hua Lixiao's mind was suddenly clear.

That light! ! !

Hanhan, who had just entered his spiritual consciousness, closed his eyes and was about to go back to sleep... Ah bah, Great Emperor, was blasted out by Hua Lixiao's spiritual consciousness again.

"elder sister?"

The emperor raised his sleepy head and looked at Hua Liming with a puzzled face, but saw Hua Liming's joyful face.

"My lord, run your spiritual power."

"But I really want to sleep, can I go tomorrow?"

Thinking of using his spiritual power, the Great Emperor had a look of repulsion on his face, and he was too lazy to force him with a naive look.

"Do as your sister wants."

The implication is that there is meat to eat at night.

The Great Emperor is usually naive, with an appearance of low intelligence, but as long as his own interests are concerned, he can immediately hear the truth.

So he nodded quickly: "Okay, okay! I will transport it!"

"..." Hua Lixiao was speechless.

So, is this green turtle her spirit beast or Gu Qianchou's spirit beast?
All day long, she didn't stay in her consciousness, but swaggered outside following Gu Qianchou.

After hearing Gu Qianchou's words, the Great Emperor activated his spiritual power, and a khaki-yellow spiritual energy instantly lingered around its body.

At the moment when the emperor channeled his spiritual power, a rune slowly appeared on its tortoise shell.

After seeing these runes on the turtle shell, Hua Lixiao's eyes stared straight!
She said that she seemed to have seen it there, and it turned out that it was really on the emperor's tortoise shell!
Although this rune is very shallow, it is exactly the same as the eyes of the formations in "Ancient Qimen".

The only difference is that the runes on the eyes of the array look much larger than the runes on the emperor's tortoise shell.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Gu Qianchou glanced at the emperor who was carrying the spirit energy, and asked.

"I know an ancient formation. As long as it is arranged a little, the strength of all the people entering the formation will retreat by a whole level, while the defenders will not be subject to any restrictions."

(End of this chapter)

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