My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 935 The Mysterious Emperor

Chapter 935 The Mysterious Emperor

"Arranging this formation requires an extremely complicated inscription pattern to support it, but this inscription pattern is on the back of the emperor."

Gu Qianchou stared, and was directly shocked by Hua Lixiao's words.

"what do you mean……"

"As long as the emperor is placed on the ground, it will become a formation eye by itself, and it is also a moving formation eye, which is much stronger than carving complicated inscriptions in place. However, the emperor is still too small, and the formation that such runes can support The magic area is still very small. In time, if it can become a spiritual beast at the level of a spirit master, then the size of the formation eyes on his body will be enough to support a formation with a range of several hundred miles."

Gu Qianchou took a deep breath and let it out again.

He felt that his cultivation of avatar was already powerful enough, but he didn't expect his wife to be even more powerful.

Although this formation can be said to be time-consuming and labor-intensive single-player versus single-player, it cannot compare to the direct crushing of strength.

But he is a soldier, so naturally he immediately thought of the battlefield.

If the Dongzhou battlefield had such a heaven-defying formation back then, even if Di Qianzhong killed him later, the master, mistress, and senior brother would not have died.

Looking at the faintly flickering runes on the tortoise shell, and thinking of the tragic scene when the senior brother, senior wife, and master blew themselves up one after another, his heart seemed to be torn apart by life, and his eyes couldn't help turning slightly red.

Seeing that Gu Qianchou's eyes were fixed on the emperor, and even slightly flushed, Hua Lixiao asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

Even if he is jealous because of the great emperor's value, but he doesn't know the formation.Shouldn't he look at her with envy?After all, she was the one who cast the array!
Gu Qianchou quickly evaporated the tears that were about to burst into his eyes with spiritual power, but his mood was still a little depressed.

"It's nothing, I just thought of some past events."

Gu Qianchou touched the Emperor's tortoise shell with his hand, and asked, "Emperor, the reason why our yard has an unusual aura is because of you?"

"Huh?" The Great Emperor looked at Gu Qianchou blankly, still with that naive look.

"It seems that it doesn't even know it."

"It is it." Hua Lixiao nodded affirmatively.

"Oh? Why are you so sure?"

"Let's go out and see Huangfu Gongchen first, we can't say a few words clearly."

"Let them wait outside. It was originally here to show off, why bother to give him face? You said that it is the emperor's reason that the aura in this courtyard is so abundant, but now the emperor is no longer in the position just now, but the aura in this courtyard It is still abundant. Even sometimes when you are in the room and I am practicing in the courtyard, the spiritual energy in the courtyard is still strong, why is this?"

"Because this spirit-gathering formation is not formed with this courtyard as the formation, but with the entire Gu Mansion as the formation. This courtyard is the essence of the formation, so as long as the emperor is in the mansion, the courtyard will The aura will always be there.”

Gu Qianchou: "...!!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll take the emperor outside for an experiment later, and the aura in this yard will probably be gone."

"I believe what Xiaoer said."

Faced with Gu Qianchou's behavior of flattering her from time to time, Hua Lixiao felt embarrassed.

"The fact that the Great Emperor possessed a super-strong defensive power has been envied by countless people. You must not let others know that it has such a function, let alone know that you understand formations. Otherwise, you may be missed by those who care."

(End of this chapter)

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