My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 939 Good medicine is bitter

Chapter 939 Good medicine is bitter
Huangfu Gongchen shook his head, and looked at Gu Qianchou: "Qianqiu, you said that I would lose this war even if I sent 10 troops. Is there any basis for it?"

"Does the emperor think that for so many years, I, the commander-in-chief of soldiers and horses, just sit in the imperial palace and do nothing? In these years, on the one hand, when these field troops show up, I will attack them at the first time, At the same time, they have been looking for their whereabouts.

I haven't been able to find their lair for so many years. Is it possible that Marshal Meng has three heads and six arms, and he found it in only a month?So I figured it must be a fraud. "

Meng Qisheng sneered: "Then this is Mr. Gu's disadvantage in handling affairs. Some people can't do a thing well in their whole life, but some people can do it well in a very short period of time. The reason is that It’s not that this thing is difficult to do, but whether the person who does it is careful!”


Meng Qisheng: "..." What do you mean?
"Qianqiu, you said this is a trap. Besides the reason you said before, is there any other reason?"

"No more. Where it took me so long to find, I don't think anyone else has a way of finding it. So it's almost certainly a trap.

Dijun, for the sake of being brothers and sisters, I kindly remind you to send 1000 people in to try it out.Why send 10 people?
The Great Emperor of Central Continent was already dissatisfied with the situation in West Continent, and how many forces in Central Continent were eyeing the emperor's position.Why would Dijun gamble his future on a newcomer he doesn't know? "

Meng Qisheng, who originally wanted to compete with Gu Qianchou, really wished he could fight Gu Qianchou to the death.

But Huangfu Gongchen was here, and he was not easy to do anything, so he could only blushed and said, "Mr. Gu, I have already said that this is a matter of personal ability. Now the emperor has invested 10 people. Go in, if you feel that this battle is bound to be defeated, just in time, the emperor, the commander-in-chief and the prime minister all sincerely invite you to watch it. The commander-in-chief also wants to see it very much, but at this time, Mr. Gu will use the tone of someone who has come to educate the commander-in-chief. "

"It turns out that you came to invite me just to ridicule me for what I couldn't do for so many years, but after I left, the newly appointed Grand Marshal immediately managed to do it. If that's the case, why should I go again?"

"Presumptuous! Hurry up and apologize to Brother Gu!" Huangfu Gongchen lost his temper in an instant.

Since Meng Qisheng had already made an oath to be unconditionally loyal to Huangfu Gongchen, although Meng Qisheng felt aggrieved, he had to apologize.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu, I was arrogant, I hope you don't get angry. Just now, I just spoke my mind.

If Mr. Gu thinks you are right, then please move with us.If the ending is really as Mr. Gu said, as a junior, I should listen to Mr. Gu's teachings with an open mind. "

"Yes, yes, but I'm afraid that it will be the emperor who will pay for the wayward Marshal Meng. Emperor, you really don't think about what I said and sent back 10 troops?"

Huangfu Gongchen struggled a little.

After all, he was also Prime Minister Zuo of Zhongzhou, and analyzing the situation was his strong point.

But now that he sits on the position of Emperor Xizhou, many things can't help him.

Just like this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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