My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 940 Let's see who is stronger

Chapter 940 Let's see who is stronger
The troops had already been sent out, but Gu Qianchou's strong lobbying made him instinctively want to send the troops back.

After all, he is a civil servant, not a military officer.

But he hadn't thought about it yet, Hua Yukun and Meng Qisheng bombarded him with each other.

"Emperor, this must not be the case."

"Dijun, you know how much your subordinates have spent, how much manpower and material resources they have spent in order to find their lair!"

"That's right, Monarch, you know exactly who Marshal Meng is looking for. It's impossible for someone to discover such an ambush."

"Dijun, if things go wrong this time, if it's really like Mr. Gu said, this place is not their lair, but a trap set by them. Our 10 troops not only failed to wipe them out, but were captured by the other party. Annihilation will cause the emperor to suffer huge losses, and bear the anger of Zhongzhou, so the subordinates are willing to be killed by the thunderstorm!"


The Thunder Tribulation Oath was established.

"Marshal Meng, why are you bothering? Whoever is the marshal stipulates that you can't be defeated? Naturally, there will be punishment for defeat, but if you gamble with your life, it's not worth it? Could it be that you are a dignified spirit, more than Can’t reach the 10 troops?”

Gu Qianchou's words almost made Hua Lixiao, who had been watching the show beside her, laugh out loud.

I never knew that Gu Qianchou, who seemed extremely upright, upright, and informal, could have such a funny side.

Meng Qisheng was forced to come to this point.Now that Lei Jie's oath has been established, he said that life is so precious, it's a rhythm that makes people mad!

Meng Qisheng was so angry that his cheeks flushed red and his veins popped out. It took him a long time to say, "I don't need Mr. Gu to worry about this. I've already made an oath with the Thunder Tribulation. How about Mr. Gu following us to take a look? There is no need for Mr. Gu to make the oath of thunder and calamity, all you need is to apologize to this commander in front of the emperor and the prime minister when he is victorious. How about it?"

"It's easy to say. In order to compete with Gu, Marshal Meng even swore the Thunder Tribulation Oath. If Marshal Meng wins, Gu will make an apology to Marshal Meng."

"Since Qianqiu has agreed, then come with us."

Huangfu Gongchen, who was still hanging with a heart, finally fell back into his stomach at this moment.

After all, if he was not completely sure, Meng Qisheng would not dare to make the oath of thunder disaster.And with him, Meng Qisheng, and Gu Qianchou around, Huangfu Gongchen wasn't too worried that his 10 army would be wiped out.

"Emperor please."

After Gu Qianchou said something, he looked at Hua Lixiao and said, "Xiao'er, can you walk with me?"


Hua Lixiao thought for a while before she nodded indifferently, but in fact she was already curious to death.

After all, she had already guessed from the content of the last chat that Gu Qianchou was the leader of those field troops who had been fighting against the government all year round.

She really wanted to see if that Meng Qisheng would be tricked to death by Gu Qianchou.

"Qianqiu, even if your husband and wife have a good relationship, you shouldn't bring Xiaomei with you at this time, right?"

"Dijun doesn't know. It's not peaceful outside my house. I'm afraid that if I leave, there will be some shameless rats trying to harm my wife. So please forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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