Chapter 941
After the words fell, Hua Yukun's face twitched visibly.

Not guilty, but angry.

"Okay, since you insist on taking Xiaomei with you, then go ahead. After all, we have so many people here, even if something unexpected happens, Xiaomei will be fine."

"Thank you, Emperor, for your compassion."

After all, everyone flew up together, Hua Lixiao was about to use his spiritual power to fly, but was wrapped in a warm purple spiritual power shield, and took off together with Gu Qianchou.

The hand was still being held, and Hua Lixiao broke free twice without leaving a trace, making sure that there was someone who had no intention of letting go at all, and then looked at Huangfu Gongchen who was still talking to Gu Qianchou, who looked this way from time to time, He could only let his hand be held by him.

After flying for about two hours, we came to a huge water area.

On this side of the water area is a Qiu forest, and on the opposite side of the water area is a mountain forest.

And 10 of the 3 troops assigned by Huangfu Gongchen to Meng Qisheng are now ambushing in Qiu Lin on the other side of the water.

The Xizhou soldiers below were dormant quietly, without revealing a trace of aura, but Hua Lixiao discovered that these 10 soldiers, the most ordinary soldiers, were all above the strength of Huang Lingsheng.

Ten commanders are at least at the peak of Huang Lingsheng, centurions are at least at the peak level of Green Lingsheng, and thousand commanders are at least at the peak level of Qinglinghuang.

This is the first time Hua Lixiao has seen the army under the highest authority of this plane.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but gasped.

So if she was placed in this group of soldiers, she wouldn't even be able to be a commander.

"The last general will wait to see the emperor!"

Several lieutenants at the level of Lan Linghuang saw Huangfu Gongchen and his party, and hurried over to greet them.Seeing Gu Qianchou, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of several people.

"Soldiers, there is no need to be too polite. Today, the most important thing is to wipe out the rebels. If today's thing is successful, I will reward you all."

"Thank you, Monarch!" Several lieutenants immediately cupped their fists in thanks.

"How are you getting ready?"

"The armies from the east, south, west, and north have already outflanked the past. Just waiting for an order, they can rush into the enemy's lair and take down the enemy's lair."

"There is actually a restriction from the powerful subordinates of the Blue Spirit Emperor outside here!" Although there is a vast water area in front of him, as a strong Lingzun, Huangfu Gongchen felt a strong aura of restriction immediately.

"That's right, Dijun. It's no wonder that Mr. Gu's people have never found the lair of the field army. After all, his subordinates have heard that he sent his subordinates to look for it. And his masters at the level of the Blue Spirit Emperor are too lazy to move. It is said that at most they sent generals of the Qingling Emperor level to find out the news, and it would be strange if they could find out." Meng Qisheng immediately made up the knife.

Hua Yukun also said: "In order to investigate the lairs of this group of field troops, Marshal Meng personally went out and searched every inch of the imperial capital. Then, in suspicious places, he sent several male and female subordinates to pretend to be bandits and rob them." The appearance of the folk girl caused these female subordinates to suffer a lot, so they were rescued by them."

At this moment, Huangfu Gongchen was really glad that he had changed to a marshal of soldiers and horses.

Meng Qisheng also continued to add to his merits and said: "These field troops are very vigilant. If the female disciples under the general's command were not about to be humiliated to death, they would never have taken action."

 Taking my speech in the comment area as the deadline, today's winning readers are the starry sky on the 2nd floor, the lingering talk and laughter on the 5th floor, and the purple butterfly on the 7th floor!Please add me Q: 2755579223 to receive the prize.

(End of this chapter)

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