My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 947 He is more suitable than me

Chapter 947 He is more suitable than me

"You rebellious daughter! As the daughter of the Hua family, you don't think about the Hua family at all, and you don't think about the emperor! Beauty misleads people, and you are talking about a beauty like you! I, Hua Yukun, am really blind!" Giving birth to a rebellious girl like you! Balabala..."

Hua Lixiao: "..."

Why did you start scolding her?What's the matter with her?

Cursing and cursing, Hua Yukun spat out old blood again, closed his eyes, and passed out again.

This time, he was far from the ground...

Huh?Wasn't it 5 meters from the ground just now?Why are you cursing and cursing that he is only 1 meter above the ground?

Will the body sink when you curse at someone?

With a very soft muffled sound, Hua Yukun landed successfully and fell to the ground, dead in a coma.

Hua Lixiao: "..."

Gu Qianchou: "..."

Huangfu Gongchen: "..."

Meng Qisheng: "...!!!"

The prime minister has exhausted all the methods he could think of, what should he do?

Or... he also fainted once?
Meng Qisheng was brewing, Huangfu Gongchen yelled: "Meng Qisheng, if you dare to imitate him, I will kill you immediately!"

Meng Qisheng: "...Emperor, there will be no general!"

Nima what did he do?He hasn't done anything yet!

"Meng Qisheng, you have already trapped my 10 troops. If you lose all of them, you don't have to come out again. Get out of here! Bring people out!"

"... General Mo takes orders!"

Meng Qisheng felt extremely regretful at this moment, if he knew that he would hold his breath and continue to stay in his Yuantianmen as the deputy leader.

Although there is still a person on the head, but after all, he is equal to the opponent's strength, and the opponent has at least superficial respect for him.

It won't be like it is now, Nima not only has no superficial respect, and even fails to do one thing, but also has to risk her life.

Meng Qisheng felt that his move was wrong.

After glaring at Gu Qianchou who had been optimistic about the game from the beginning to the end, Meng Qisheng fled away.

Oh shit.

No wonder Gu Qianchou wanted to resign.

Can he resign now?

But... he will be struck by lightning if he resigns now!

And there are still two lightning tribulations!It is estimated that even if he can escape one, he will be seriously injured.The other one, he couldn't escape no matter what.

If he knew this earlier, why would he make the oath of thunder robbery because of Gu Qianchou's sarcasm?
If he doesn't make this Thunder Tribulation Oath, he can escape at this moment.

Even if betraying Huangfu Gongchen would suffer thunderstorms, but with his spiritual master's cultivation, he might not be unable to bear it.

The big deal is serious injuries, and in the end, his strength will drop by a level or two.It's better than going in now to die!
Huangfu Gongchen also regretted it.

At this moment, he once again realized how good Gu Qianchou is.

Gu Qianchou is straightforward and upright.Although sometimes his words are not very nice, but I have to say that his words are all loyal words.

Compared with Gu Qianchou's bravery and spirit of overcoming difficulties, Meng Qisheng and Hua Yukun are simply two clowns.

At this moment, Hua Yukun died on the ground and never came back to life, only Huangfu Gongchen, Gu Qianchou and Hua Lixiao were left in the air, facing each other awkwardly.

After a long time, Gu Qianchou sighed and said: "Qianqiu, I didn't know how lucky I was to have you until now. No matter whether it is Hua Yukun or Meng Qisheng, there is no way to match you. You are the one A true loyal minister and good general.”

Hua Yukun: "..." I heard it.So angry.But still had to continue to pretend to be dead.

"Dijun, the past is over. Meng Qisheng is actually better than me, and more suitable for the position of generalissimo."

(End of this chapter)

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