My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 948 This is a good start

Chapter 948 This is a good start

"No, he can't even compare to you!"

Hua Lixiao: "..." Can you stop saying such indecent words in front of women?
"No, there is one thing he is better than me. That is, he knows what loyalty is better than me. At least I will never be able to swear allegiance to you with the Thunder Tribulation Oath, but he did. As a subordinate, the most Isn't it important to be loyal?

Meng Qisheng just lacked professionalism, and he had never really led an army before in battle, so he suffered a crushing defeat. "

"No, Qianqiu, you are wrong." Huangfu Gongchen shook his head and said, "Before, I also thought that ministers, as long as they have enough loyalty are fine.

However, after being harassed by the field army for the past few months, and kept being held accountable by Zhongzhou, I realized that there is no one available in the court.I have been in power for many years, but I have driven out the old Xizhou tribes one by one from the imperial palace, and even put them to death, resulting in no one available now.

Before, you shared my worries, at least with you sitting in Xizhou, the field army did not dare to attack blatantly.But now even you are gone.There is no one available by my side anymore.

Now surrounded by me, there are only people like Hua Yukun and Meng Qisheng who can only flatter horses, but have no ability.

Qianqiu, I was wrong.I was really wrong, come back!Come back and help me!I beg you! "

Gu Qianchou shook his head: "Dijun, I promised to be the Generalissimo of Xizhou in the past, but I just wanted to stretch my ambitions. But after I became the Generalissimo, I realized that I am a person whose edges and corners can never be erased. My The edges and corners will hurt the emperor, and the dragon power of the emperor will also hurt me.

If I continue to be the commander-in-chief, I will end up with the end.In fact, when you and Hua Yukun first ran against me, I already had the idea of ​​resigning. Later, through the opportunity of the palace banquet, I finally let go of this burden.So there is no need for Dijun to persuade me, I will definitely not take up the post of Generalissimo again. "

"So in Qian Qiu's eyes, I'm just a foolish ruler, right? Dear villain, Yuan Xianchen. When I need a virtuous minister, I just give an order, and the virtuous minister has to work hard for me. When I don't need a virtuous minister, Then I will wantonly let the villain plant and frame me. But the villain will always just keep them by my side, protect them, and never let them take risks. Qianqiu, I was wrong."

"Dijun, it is a good start for you to realize your mistakes. As long as you change from now on, there will be virtuous ministers, and there will be generalissimos."

"But even if there is a generalissimo in the future, this generalissimo will not be you."

Hua Lixiao, who was listening to the love talk between the two, felt goosebumps all over the ground at this moment.

At this moment, she felt that Gu Qianchou was also very powerful.

It's a good thing he can say such disgusting words from the heart.

This person must be delaying time, right?

Just as Hua Lixiao thought, those soldiers who rushed into the enemy's forbidden nest at the first time, went in and headed for the teleportation array in the center.

The number of field troops in this imperial capital is completely incomparable with the regular soldiers of Xizhou. Seeing the army pouring in, they began to swarm and run towards the teleportation formation without any rules.

(End of this chapter)

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