My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 952 The truth of the year

Chapter 952 The truth of the year

Seeing that the situation was not right, those who were originally Xizhou generals, who later flattered and completely surrendered to the Central Continent forces, and became local generals, after seeing the three Lingzun, all showed expressions of shock, and wanted to ask for mercy, but It was found that their throats seemed to be blocked, and they could not speak a word.

However, Mo Weiyan, Generalissimo of Xizhouyuan Bingma, spoke at this moment.

"Boys, we meet again."

In a word, the eyes of countless Xizhou soldiers in the audience instantly turned red.

That's what the Grand Marshal used to call them.

Now that hundreds of years have passed, they are no longer boys, but in front of this Generalissimo, they will always be boys.

"You must be wondering why we, who were clearly killed in battle back then, appear as the leader of the field army today, right? 178 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Do you still remember the man who opened up the West Continent and led everyone to become strong and live a better life?" Emperor Yuchi who lives happily and in peace?"

Mo Weiyan's words made many current Xizhou soldiers look guilty.

Emperor Yuchi, the emperor who led them to become independent after the split of Hunyuan Continent, the real emperor of Xizhou.

They were all soldiers under Emperor Yuchi's command.

But now that Emperor Yuchi passed away, the person who came to take over Xizhou was the enemy of Emperor Yuchi, the son-in-law Huangfu Gongchen sent by Emperor Zhongzhou Qianzhong.

However, they once swore that they would be loyal to Emperor Yuchi, but now they have already become second-level soldiers under the command of Emperor Zhongzhou.

"You don't have to feel ashamed. Because the death of the emperor has nothing to do with you. The emperor was killed by Di Qianzhong."

All the soldiers raised their heads one after another, their eyes showing horror.

Their Emperor Yuchi, that powerful man at the pinnacle of the Spirit Venerable, was a god-like existence in their hearts. He didn't die of illness, but was actually killed by Di Qianzhong! ! !

"570 years ago, the lord, the four great beasts, and human warriors joined forces to fight against the demons outside the territory, in an attempt to completely disperse the monsters outside the region. Who knows that the lord's eldest disciple, who is now the emperor of Central Continent, Qianzhong, in order to obtain the blood of the beasts, in order to ascend , he actually betrayed his master, which directly led to the downfall of the lord and the four great beasts.

After the fall of the lord, his five disciples became the great emperors of the five continents of east, south, west, north and middle respectively.

For many years, Emperor Yuchi has been thoroughly investigating the real reason for the fall of the lord and the four great beasts.In the end he found out that the traitor turned out to be Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent.

Originally, he was going to tell the matter to his close relatives Dongzhou Great Emperor Ling Xiao and Beizhou Great Emperor Yao Yuanshuang, but unexpectedly there were spies arranged by Emperor Qianzhong beside him.And this spy turned out to be an alien monster.

They sensed that Emperor Yuchi was different, so they had already poured demonic poison into the training room.After they catalyzed, the demonic poison penetrated into Emperor Yuchi's body, forcing him to turn into a demon.

Later, Emperor Yuchi became more and more unable to control his words and deeds, so taking advantage of one day when he was sober, he used the jade slips to transmit sound to the commander-in-chief, General Fan and General Ji, explaining everything.

At that time, the commander-in-chief, General Fan and General Ji were fighting in Zhongzhou. We were very sad after receiving the sound transmission from Emperor Yuchi's jade slip.But in order to preserve the vitality of Xizhou, we clearly won that battle, but let those Central Continent prisoners make a vow of thunder disaster..."

(End of this chapter)

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