My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 953 The Power of Preservation

Chapter 953 The Power of Preservation

"Go back and report the news of our defeat and death. From then on, this commander took 30 Xizhou soldiers into hiding."

After finishing speaking, Mo Weiyan took out an item wrapped in brocade from his bosom.

Carefully opening the brocade, a jade slip was revealed.

Injecting spiritual power into the jade slip, the voice of the original Xizhou Emperor Wei Chihe came from inside.

It was a voice that was trying to suppress the pain, but the soldiers who had heard the words of Emperor Xizhou immediately confirmed that it was really their emperor's voice.

Although they haven't heard it for more than 100 years, the voice of the Great Emperor has always been deeply engraved in their hearts.

In the jade slip, the emperor said painfully that he had found out the truth, but was harmed by Di Qianzhong and entered his soul by the devilish energy.

If this continues, within a month, he will be completely replaced by another monster in his body.

So he decided to blew himself up and died with the demon in his body.

But he was not willing to let the bad guys get away with it, so he ordered Generalissimo Mo Weiyan, Zhennan General Fan Fu, and Expeditionary General Ji Chongguang to hide immediately with their vital strength, so that Xizhou could resist Zhongzhou's surviving power in the future.

At the same time, I implore the three generals to protect the existing soldiers in Xizhou to the greatest extent while protecting themselves and the 30 army.At the same time, find a way to get in touch with Ling Xiao, the Great Emperor of Dongzhou, and Yao Yuanshuang, the Great Emperor of Beizhou.

Soldiers obey orders.

It is their bounden duty to obey orders unconditionally.

Back then, Emperor Yuchi blew himself up in front of civil and military officials. Later, the people above put down his words and said that Emperor Yuchi failed to reach the peak, which led to his madness. Then he suddenly became demonic in the court and blew himself up in the air and die.

This incident happened for real, and there is no room for soldiers like them to question it.

So later people from Zhongzhou came to accept the matter of Xizhou, and Huangfu Gongchen, the left prime minister of Zhongzhou, became the new emperor of Xizhou. Although they were angry in their hearts, they defeated the mainland after all. There is no other way.

Unexpectedly, today, they learned the truth of what happened back then from Emperor Yuchi's last words under the narration of the former Generalissimo.

These Xizhou soldiers were originally hot-blooded men, and the Xizhou in the past is completely different from the Xizhou now.

In the past Xizhou, they were the masters.In Xizhou now, they are just other people's eagle dogs.

Mo Weiyan continued: "Back then, after the commander-in-chief led 30 Xizhou troops to quickly evacuate and hide, he originally wanted to sneak into the court and inform General Xing and Wei of the incident, but they were already killed by traitors. He was seriously injured and died. Only the three of us were left among the six Spiritual Venerables in the Xizhou Court Hall.

After that, General Fan and General Ji and I wanted to report to Dongzhou and Beizhou, but the entire border of Xizhou had already been banned by Emperor Qian.We are not strong enough, if we forcefully break through, we will be known by him.

So the three of us dispersed the 30 Xizhou soldiers into 3 groups and hid them in the depths of the Xizhou continent.

Although Emperor Dongzhou and Emperor Beizhou came to express their condolences later, we could not get close to them.However, Ling Xiao, the great emperor of Dongzhou, seemed to know something, and began to attack Zhongzhou frequently.For a while, Zhongzhou was beaten to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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