Chapter 955
At this moment, Meng Qisheng regretted it extremely.

Had I known what he was capable of?
Wouldn't it be good to stay in Yuantianmen and be his deputy leader?
Where did he make a mistake, so he came to be the generalissimo of this troublesome man under Hua Yukun's tricks?
What the hell, I don't even have a single soldier in my hand, yet I have to swear an oath of allegiance to him and never betray him in front of Huangfu Gongchen.

It's just crazy!
It was only today that he found out that the lord of Hunyuan Continent, the Four Great Beasts, and Emperor Dongzhou and Emperor Xizhou were all killed by Di Qianzhong.

Now that he knows such an important secret, will Huangfu Gongchen kill him directly?
But these were not issues that Meng Qisheng needed to worry about.

Because he had just jumped out of the restraint just now, a tribulation thunder with a thickness of more than ten meters, with a deep purple electric light, quickly passed through the clouds, and before everyone had time to react, there was a "click" Right on top of Meng Qisheng's head.

In order to escape back to Dijun and Gu Qianchou's side quickly, Meng Qisheng removed the protective cover in order to increase his horsepower the moment he escaped from the restraint.

So when the purple thunder light with a thickness of more than ten meters attacked with lightning speed, Meng Qisheng didn't react at all.

By the time he reacted, he had already deeply realized what it meant to pretend to be struck by lightning.

Let him be quick and quick!

Let him take 10 people to wipe out the rebels to claim credit!
Let him make the Thunder Tribulation Oath!

Okay now!
It's just a thunderbolt, but it's the top Zixiao thunderbolt.

Although he didn't say that he would be smashed out of his wits directly, it was almost the same.

In a [-]-meter-deep pit on the ground, Meng Qisheng's clothes were torn, and his flesh and blood were flying everywhere. Even his mother couldn't recognize him anymore.

Feeling the pain tearing through his body, Meng Qisheng knew that if he didn't escape, he would die, so he tried to use his spiritual power forcefully in such a severely injured situation.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Just when the spiritual power was activated, he heard the sound of the meridians breaking completely in his body.

Just by using the spiritual power, the meridians all over the body were broken one after another uncontrollably.The degree of fracture reached more than [-]%.

Not to mention the remaining [-]% ​​of the meridians have already been severely injured, they are in danger, and they are about to break. Even if they are intact, there is no way to support him to escape.

His life is over.

Hey... If I knew this would be the result, why did he make the Thunder Tribulation Oath in front of Gu Qianchou just to show off?
If he doesn't make this oath of thunder disaster, he won't be struck by lightning.

"Marshal Meng, do you think that if you hadn't sworn the oath of thunder disaster in front of me, you wouldn't have been struck by lightning?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from above the pothole.

Meng Qisheng raised his head and looked up.

Seeing this, the eyes were instantly horrified.

"You... you... Gu, Qian, Qiu!"

Although he didn't understand why Gu Qianchou left Huangfu Gongchen and came here, since he was able to stand here without any panic, he knew that Gu Qianchou was indeed a traitor, and he must be the original People of Emperor Xizhou!

"Actually, Marshal Meng is a cannon fodder. No matter whether you will make the oath of thunder calamity today, the Zixiao tribulation thunder will penetrate your body."

"Hmph, if I don't make the Thunder Tribulation Oath, can you..."

(End of this chapter)

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