My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 956 Gu Chou's True Identity

Chapter 956 Gu Qianchou's True Identity
Halfway through the conversation, Meng Qisheng stopped talking.

"Gu Qianchou, what do you mean? What do you mean that if the marshal doesn't make the oath of thunder calamity, Zixiao tribulation thunder will also penetrate my body?"

Gu Qianchou smiled slightly: "It means literally."

When Meng Qisheng heard this, his already wide eyes instantly widened even further.

Pointing at Gu Qianchou at the top of the pit, she said with disbelief on her face, " are Lei Lingzun! You are the Lei Lingzun who seriously injured the emperor countless times before!"

"Hmm." Gu Qianchou nodded calmly at Meng Qisheng's horrified guess.

"But... But Prime Minister Hua clearly said that you swore by Lei Jie in front of everyone that you are not Lei Lingzun's!"

"This commander is originally the body of the thunder spirit, so it is normal to swear an oath that he will not be able to attract the thunder."

"" Meng Qisheng's eyes suddenly turned red, "you" for a while, and finally shouted angrily: "You liar——!!!"

Meng Qisheng's voice was infinitely angry, infinitely sad, and extremely sad, but Mo Weiyan, Fan Fu, and Ji Chongguang heard his roar full of infinite joy.

Even the soldiers below, many of them burst into laughter instantly.

Nima, is this spirit god a monkey sent by Doubi?

You've been tricked, you're going to die, don't resent, don't beg for mercy, you call people a liar.

Why don't you say that people are trying to spoil children like this?
Mo Weiyan flew to the pit, lifted Meng Qisheng out of the pit with a look of disgust, and sent him to the high platform, together with his group of generals.

Gu Qianchou walked slowly to the middle of the three generals, but the three powerful spirit masters immediately backed up a few steps, obviously respecting Gu Qianchou.

Gu Qianchou stared disdainfully at the group of people who were crushed on the ground and said, "You will pay the price for what Di Qianzhong did today. Don't say you are innocent, every one of you has blood on their hands. It is full of the blood of the soldiers and loyal men of Dongzhou Continent and Xizhou Continent.

Therefore, today, on behalf of Emperor Xizhou and his 30 soldiers, and Emperor Dongzhou and his millions of soldiers, I will first charge you, and Emperor Qianzhong, this one-and-a-half cent interest.Take your sins all over your body and go to repent to those soldiers who have died! "

"I don't agree!"

Thinking that he was going to die without doing anything, Meng Qisheng roared with red eyes.

"Why are you dissatisfied? Don't you think you didn't take refuge in Huangfu Gongchen? Did you not take refuge in the Central Continent forces? Why, in my opinion, you are a loyal dog just like Hua Yukun in front of Huangfu Gongchen? "

"Yes! I'm a dog! I took refuge in Huangfu Gongchen and swore allegiance to him. But before that, I didn't kill any field soldiers. It was you, Gu Qianchou! You have been a big soldier in Xizhou for more than 10 years Marshal, you have killed so many field soldiers, what right do you have to say such impassioned words just now?
You are not the former general of Xizhou, and you are not the former general of Dongzhou. Why do you threaten to execute me on behalf of the two great emperors of Xizhou and Dongzhou?Compared with the blood debt in your hand, you are the one to be damned! "

Gu Qianchou was about to speak when Mo Weiyan who was beside him spoke.

"Since you are about to die, let you die to understand. This Gu Qianchou in front of you, Marshal Gu, his true identity is..."

 Every day the deadline, I will say it in the chapter review of Gailou.The deadline is different every day, so everyone just builds the building.Continuing to build buildings, winning prizes on the 2nd, 7th, and 12th floors!It is valid for disciples and above, but it is invalid for repeated building.

(End of this chapter)

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