My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 957 Aren't You Dead?

Chapter 957 Aren't You Dead?

"Former Marshal of Dongzhou, disciple of Emperor Ling Xiao of Dongzhou—Gu Junyan!"


Meng Qisheng's eyes widened again.

Even the suppressed generals of the Qinglinghuang and Lanlinghuang ranks on the high platform widened their eyes at this moment, looking at Gu Qianchou with disbelief.

Gu Qianchou was all too familiar to them.

Before he stepped down as generalissimo, he was the supreme general of these soldiers.

Who would have thought that the Generalissimo who has been with them day and night for more than ten years, his real identity is the former Generalissimo Gu Junyan of Dongzhou?
Speaking of Gu Junyan, as long as he has some qualifications, not to mention generals, even soldiers know that there are two amazingly talented disciples under the command of Emperor Dongzhou——

One of them is Dongzhou Great Emperor's adopted son, Prince Yong of Dongzhou Fengyun.

The other is Gu Junyan, the super nobleman of Dongzhou, the eldest son of the Gu family, and the nephew of Bai Yunjian, the empress of Dongzhou.

They are all children brought out by Ling Xiao, the great emperor of Dongzhou, and they are the amazingly talented and brilliant generation in the entire Hunyuan Continent.

As long as these two people were mentioned back then, unmarried women in the entire Hunyuan Continent would like to squeeze into Dongzhou to marry them.

However, following the great war 20 years ago, Emperor Dongzhou and Empress Dongzhou fell one after another, and Feng Yun and Gu Junyan, two young people who had amazed the attention of countless people, also blew themselves up to death.

"You... aren't you dead?"

Meng Qisheng felt that he had really seen a ghost!
I saw three ghosts who died more than 100 years ago, and one ghost who died 20 years ago.

Oh shit.

If God gave him another chance to do it all over again, the ghost would run from Yuantianmen to serve Huangfu Gongchen!
It really took eight lifetimes of bad luck for him to come here to do such a thankless job as Generalissimo.

"As for Marshal Gu killing the field army, it is even more nonsense. In the past 10 years since Marshal Gu has been in power, not only has he not killed a field army, but he has found a place for us to live and live. It makes it impossible for people in Xizhou and Zhongzhou to find to us.

In the past ten years, our army has greatly improved both in terms of strength and equipment.We are ghosts from hell who have come to look for your lives, how can we cut off our hands and feet when none of you are dead?
As for the illustrious military exploits made by Marshal Gu, of course we were the ones who fought against him, but the ones who died were the corpses pulled from Zhongzhou. "

Meng Qisheng: "..."

Seeing that he had nothing to say, Mo Weiyan said: "Remember to be a human being in the next life, and don't be another person's minion. What can a spiritual master do wrong? Even if it is to reopen a sect, it is better than being someone else's dog much?
Even the soldiers know how to 'never forget the original intention', have you forgotten what the lord expects of us before we become spiritual masters? "

Drive out the demons from outside the territory, and return the people of Hunyuan Continent to a clean sky.

As he was about to die, Meng Qisheng's heart echoed a sentence that hadn't appeared in his heart for a long time.

Suddenly, the bottleneck in the body loosened again, and there was a faint tendency to move towards the third-level spiritual master.

But he has run out of time.

Because he forgot his original intention and made a wrong choice, now he has to pay the price of his life for his wrong choice and wrong behavior.

Before dying, Gu Qianchou ordered the soldiers to confiscate the space rings on the hands of these generals.After all, he did a lot of bad things during his lifetime, and after his death...

(End of this chapter)

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