Chapter 968
Hua Yukun thumped in his heart.

He knew that he had offended Huangfu Gongchen a lot today, and he also knew that Huangfu Gongchen really wanted to kill him.

If he doesn't do it again, there is only one dead end.

So Hua Yukun could only slowly bow with his fists folded, bowed to Huangfu Gongchen, and then said: "Yes, the emperor. My minister... this minister is going to kill him now. It's just... this minister can't bear to part with the emperor." ! If there is something wrong with the humble minister, please ask the emperor to find another caring minister. After all, the emperor can't be surrounded by the kind of stubborn ministers who don't know a little bit of flexibility!"


Although Huangfu Gongchen was angry, but thinking that Hua Yukun might really die in the past, he held back and only urged: "Hurry up!"


After Hua Yukun took the order, he turned his head to look at Hua Lixiao again, and said, "Xiao'er, I know you are still angry with my father. Now my father is going to fight that Lei Lingzun soon, maybe you will never see me again." I can't see Dad anymore. Before Dad dies, Dad hopes to hear you tell Dad that you don't blame Dad anymore."

Hua Lixiao: "..."

Gu Qianchou: "..."

Huangfu Gongchen finally couldn't help roaring: "Hua Yukun, are you still planning to go back to Hua Mansion again to say goodbye to the more than 100 million descendants in your mansion?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Just after Huangfu Gongchen finished speaking, Lei Lingzun on the opposite side suddenly burst out laughing.

"Huangfu Gongchen, God is going to kill you! Hahahaha... Let alone the Lan Linghuang, even the Qing Linghuang can easily take my life.

It turned out that you are really cute as a weird prime minister. When you were a treacherous minister, you were ruthless and decisive, and when you talked about going to battle to kill the enemy, you would go to all kinds of delays.Now that I have broken Gu Qianchou's freezing technique, I will see how you can escape today! "

Huangfu Gongchen: "..." with a grumpy face.

"...Emperor, humble minister..."

"Shut up! Go back and die!" Huangfu Gongchen didn't want to hear Hua Yukun say a word anymore.

Only now did he know how disgusting this Hua Yukun was.

Hua Yukun: "..." His face was disheveled and aggrieved.

"Lei Lingzun, although Dijun and I have no power to fight anymore, we have the power to explode. If you take a step forward, Dijun and I will explode. Now that you are also injured, do you think you can fight against us? Before self-detonation, escape the explosion range?"

Gu Qianchou's words choked Lei Lingzun's expression for an instant.

Huangfu Gongchen's eyes lit up, and he immediately echoed, "That's right, anyway, we are all dead. Rather than dying in your hands, it's better for the three of us to be turned into ashes together."

"Gu Qianchou, you're doing great!"

Finally, Lei Lingzun was still unwilling to die with Huangfu Gongchen, snorted coldly, threw his sleeves and left.

Only then did Gu Qianchou spit out another mouthful of blood and fell limp.

Seeing this, Huangfu Gongchen immediately supported him.

Hua Lixiao couldn't help but praise Gu Qianchou's wonderful acting skills.But he couldn't help feeling a little worried, whether this person was really injured or faked.

Just as he was about to fly forward to support him, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura leaning towards him from behind.

He wanted to resist, but he was only a scum of Huang Lingsheng level, and he couldn't compete with the aura behind him.

So the next moment, Hua Lixiao's neck was tightly strangled.

"Hua, Yu, Kun!" This time, Gu Qianchou was really angry.

(End of this chapter)

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