My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 969 Hua Yukun's Request

Chapter 969 Hua Yukun's Request
He didn't expect that everything went perfectly according to his own settings, but at the last moment, he capsized in Hua Yukun's gutter.

"Hua Yukun, how dare you! I order you, quickly release Xiaomei!"

Hua Yukun's hand was firmly clasped on Hua Lixiao's neck. With a little force, her slender neck would break immediately. It was enough to see that he had no hesitation in killing people.

However, at this moment, his expression was as if he had suffered infinite grievances. While crying, he confessed: "Emperor, I know that I am wrong! It is a big mistake! I am a scum, not only did I trust that Meng Qisheng even judged the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and randomly suspected Marshal Gu.

Today, under the circumstances that Marshal Gu has already raised doubts, Wei Chen still rejects Marshal Gu from the bottom of his heart with a villainous heart, which led to blind trust in Meng Qisheng, and finally led to today's war defeat.The humble minister is guilty!The humble minister deserves death!

Later, when Marshal Gu had seen some clues and wanted to call the emperor away, it was because of the prejudice and arrogance held by the humble minister against Marshal Gu that the time for the emperor's evacuation was delayed, and Lei Lingzun Discover.The humble minister is guilty!The humble minister deserves death!

Afterwards, Lei Lingzun wanted to kill the emperor, if at that time the humble minister could stand up in front of the emperor and exchange his death for the time for the emperor to escape, the emperor would not be injured.As a result... As a result, Wei Chen was already frightened silly by the Lei Lingzun at that time, and subconsciously avoided it.Seeing that the emperor was injured, the regret in Wei Chen's heart... Wei Chen is guilty!The humble minister deserves death!

Finally, just now, when the blood in Lei Lingzun's body was frozen by Marshal Gu's water-type spiritual power, Wei Chen should have acted immediately.But Weichen was greedy for life and afraid of death, and once again delayed the opportunity to fight.As a result, the emperor's enemies ran away, leaving endless troubles.The humble minister is guilty!The humble minister deserves death! "

Hua Yukun is quite aware of the mistakes he made today, and also knows that these mistakes are unforgivable.


"But Wei Chen really doesn't want to die! Emperor, you see that Wei Chen has served you by your side for so many years, and you have worked hard without credit, so you should spare Wei Chen!"

Huangfu Gongchen laughed angrily at Hua Yukun, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his lips and said: "So you use this kind of indecent method, while Qian Qiu was injured in order to protect me, while we all let go Threatening Qianqiu when you are in the mood? Don't forget, Xiaomei is also your daughter!"

"Emperor, the humble minister is also forced to be helpless! As long as the emperor makes an oath, he will never kill the humble minister, will never demote the humble minister from the position of prime minister, and will never punish the humble minister in any way. I will swear allegiance to you.”

"Hehe, your swearing of allegiance to me has been taught countless times today. Not only is my life not as good as your life, but it is not even as good as the tone in your heart. If you didn't stop Qianqiu today, we would have never I won't meet Lei Lingzun. Now that things have happened, you still have the nerve to say the words 'swear allegiance to the death'. Hua Yukun, you think I am a fool!"

"Xiao'er, don't be afraid, I'm right behind you, if he dares to hurt a single hair of yours, I'll make his blood splash on the spot!"

Suddenly, Gu Qianchou's secret voice transmission appeared in Hua Lixiao's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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