My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 981 Poisoning

Chapter 981 Poisoning
For a certain girl who likes to sit on the toilet and play mobile phones and games, which eventually leads to severe constipation, Ling Tian has long been used to the habit of squatting in the toilet every now and then.

"You don't want to go?" Ling Tian looked at Ye Chuchen and said: "I want the head of a green spirit saint, and you want the remaining two heads. Their souls belong to me."

After all, once these people are killed, they can increase a lot of karma points and miracle doctor points.

"Why are you being polite to me? That scumbag surnamed Guo tried to kill you several times, so I'd better leave his head to you."

"Okay." Ling Tian said without being pretentious, "Then you get rid of Xiao Shiyuan's head first, and I'll do the other two."

"A group of arrogant yellow-mouthed children. They still want the heads of the old man and Elder Wu. It depends on whether you have the ability. Let the old man come and teach you, how can you, the sixth-level Huang Lingsheng, leapfrog the enemy to the next level?" To what extent! Before you die, remember one thing, this old man is called Xiao Ziyuan, not Xiao Shiyuan!"

It was so pissed off.

These two people have been in the divine religion for so long, and they don't even remember the name of the elder of his dignified outer sect.

Poor Students!

Bad review!

"You don't need to remember the names of dead people." Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen said in unison.

The tacit understanding almost made Guo Xu give them a thumbs up.

"Hmph. It's a good thing to have confidence, but it's a bad thing to have too much confidence and become arrogant. Die!"

After all, Xiao Ziyuan stopped talking nonsense, and flew towards Ye Chuchen and Ling Tian.


Ye Chuchen snapped his fingers, and a smear of white powder disappeared with the wind.Everyone was fine, except Xiao Ziyuan, who was rushing towards her, was suddenly suspended in the air, grabbed his neck, and then fell from the air, lying on the ground with a face full of pain .

Guo Xu and Wu Yu were startled and looked at Xiao Ziyuan.

But they saw the artery in her neck dilated ferociously, and inside the artery, they could clearly see that the blood inside was boiling and surging.

"Wow... wow!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ziyuan spat out a mouthful of blood.

Blood sprayed onto the ground and began to corrode rapidly.

The green grass that had grown well on the ground quickly withered after coming into contact with the blood, and even the land under the grass instantly turned scorched black due to the erosion of the blood.

Xiao Ziyuan clutched his throat and struggled desperately, excruciatingly painful.

He wants to talk, wants to beg forgiveness.

But every time he opened his mouth, countless blood gushed out of his throat like money.

As a green spirit saint, he has already broken the limit of life and can live for more than 1000 years.Unless he went mad during his practice, or was killed by someone, illness and poison would no longer be able to cause any harm to his body.

But who will tell him why he is in such pain now?Why did he feel like he was poisoned?
Isn't poisoning only possible for warriors of the spirit king level?
Why did he, a dignified green spirit warrior, be poisoned?
Watching Xiao Ziyuan vomit blood non-stop, in just a short while, his whole body was already in a pool of blood, bleeding more than a person who was hacked into pieces.Not only did Guo Xu and Wu Yu not move forward, but they took a few steps back, and asked with horror on their faces: "You... this witch, what did you do to Elder Xiao? Hurry up and take out the antidote!"

(End of this chapter)

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