My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 982 The lady is so educated

Chapter 982 The lady is so educated
"It's said that you have all the amniotic fluid in your head, it seems to be true! Figure it out, brother, we are in a life-and-death situation now. Understand? It is the kind that we can only live when you are all dead. Look at the strength Not too bad, it turned out to be an idiot."

While Ye Chuchen was talking, Xiao Ziyuan was already in a bad mood.

The sound of "gurgling" and "cracking" kept coming out of his throat, and he, who was limited to spurting blood before, had begun to cough uncontrollably now, almost coughing a few times, and there would be a white flower The bone was thrust out of his throat by him.

Not to mention that Guo Xu and Wu Yu lost all their complexions, even Feng Heng and Xiao Yu were also pale at the moment.

Especially Xiao Yu, although she keeps saying that she will follow the young master to kill all directions, but she is still a good girl with a kind heart in her heart.

On weekdays, she likes to play with Ye Chuchen the most, not only because Ye Chuchen is her savior, but also because she thinks Miss Ye is approachable, unlike her own son who likes to fight and kill. Although they are all bad guys, but When it comes to killing people, the whole person is hyperactive, once she doesn't look like a girl.

But now, she finally knew that her son and Miss Ye would become good sisters because of Mao.Miss Ye moved her hands, she was even more perverted than the young master!

It's fine to let the green spirit be poisoned, it's fine to squirt blood, what is the meaning of spitting out bones?

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Ziyuan didn't even have time to say a word, he kept spitting blood and spitting bones, and everyone except Ling Tian and Mu Hun felt their scalps go numb.

"Wow, my lady, you are so powerful, you can actually make him spit out his bones. My lady, what is this poison called?"

"This poison is called 'a dog's mouth can spit ivory'."

Everyone: "...=_=!!"

"You have also heard that before he spoke, he always couldn't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth, so before he dies, I must teach him the principles of life. Let him have a next life... No, he won't have a next life, then At least let him know that being a dog mouth is a bad thing before he dies. If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. Understand?"

"Well, lady, you are so educated, you can actually give such an interesting name to poison."

"That is."

Faced with Mu Hun's praise, Miss Ye was obviously very happy.

She feels that the stupid dragon has really become less stupid recently.You can step on her point everywhere.

When Ye Chuchen and Mu Hun were talking, Xiao Ziyuan coughed up more and more bones.

There are already more than a dozen white bones still attached to the tendons on the ground.

The most tingling thing is that everyone knows that Xiao Ziyuan is in extreme pain and is suffering unbearable suffering for ordinary people, but he has never said a word from the beginning until now, not even a scream Pass.

Wu Yu saw that Xiao Ziyuan was inexplicably poisoned, and as the Green Spirit Saint, he didn't think he might be able to avoid it.

Seeing that the situation was not right, he pulled up Guo Xu who was already frightened, and swept back as fast as he could.

He wants to return to God religion as soon as possible, and he has to report today's events to the Peak Master and the First Elder.

However, as soon as the two of them moved, Ling Tian had already used teleportation to block the way in front of them.

Wu Yu made a sudden stop in the air, and Guo Xu was pulled by him, and directly bumped into his back, staring at him instantly.

After seeing clearly the person blocking them, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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