Chapter 987 Miss me?

With an extremely fast flying boat, it took them less than a day to reach the Azure Dragon Empire after dusk.

The news that Hob Knife Meat had returned to the palace openly in less than three months of vacation, reached the ears of Saint Huang Yi, the ministers and the three princes shortly after Ye Chuchen arrived in the imperial city.

So almost when Ye Chuchen appeared at the gate of the palace, the ministers had already lined up and waited here.

"See the emperor, long live my emperor, long live!"

Except for the saint Huang Yi and the three princes, the rest of the ministers knelt down one after another.

Ye Chuchen asked with a smile: "My dear friends, I haven't seen you for two months, do you miss me?"

"Think!" All the ministers said in unison, but then they added two words in their hearts - no wonder!
"Hahahaha, how comforting I am! I thought you wouldn't miss me. It turns out that not only some people miss me, but they are all thinking about me. You are not fooling me, are you?"

"Your Majesty, our thoughts of you are like a torrential river."

"Yes, Your Majesty, we really miss you."


The ministers expressed their loyalty one after another.

"Oh hehe, then do you dare to make the oath of thunder robbery? If you don't miss me, then you have to hand over all your belongings. If you don't hand over all your belongings, you will be struck to death by the thunder robbery."

Crowd: "...!!!"

The audience was silent, only the "swish" cold wind blew past.

In the hearts of every minister, the nun who had calmed down began to go crazy again.

I have already warned myself that in the face of hob meat, don't panic, don't lose your head, and be calm, calm, and tolerant.


However, what should I do if I really want to gang up on this hob meat?
"Hahahaha, I just said a bad joke, why do you cooperate like this? It turned out to be really cold."


"The emperor really likes to joke!"

"What the emperor said is funny!"

Feng Heng: "..."

Xiaoyu: "..."

Who will save their three views?
"Your Majesty, why are you back? There is an order from the Divine Religion that disciples of the Divine Religion have a three-month holiday. During this period, no one is allowed to go out."

Huang Yi showed displeasure, just said a word, but suddenly saw Ye Chuchen winking at her, and was shocked instantly.

At that time, she sent Ye Chuchen to the Divine Cult, gave the Divine Cult a casual feedback on the situation, and left after making sure that she had not betrayed her.

For this hob meat, she can't afford to provoke it, can't she still hide it?
It's just been 2 months of living like an emperor. After tidying up the Chao Gang and winning people's hearts, the hob meat has come back.It just made her feel hopeless.

"Why, doesn't the saint miss me?"

Thinking of the unbearable pain caused by Gu insects, Huang Yi's complexion changed, and then he forced a smile and said: "How is it possible, of course the saint welcomes the emperor back. It's just...why don't you see the queen and imperial concubine?"

The Prime Minister and the Minister of the Household Department had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but they couldn't open it.

Ye Chuchen was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that he had completely forgotten about the queen and imperial concubine, and brought the stupid dragon back.

"Ahem, well, the empress and imperial concubine were personally punished by the leader of the God Cult to meditate in his room for three months, so it was difficult for me to call them when I came back, so I didn't bring them back."

"What? How?"

"Impossible, Your Majesty, my Mu Qing is a good child, how could she be punished?"

(End of this chapter)

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