My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 988 What about the underground palace?

Chapter 988 What about the underground palace?
The prime minister and the servant of the household department raised questions one after another.

"Because the queen has a bad temper, she beat someone during the class of the honorary leader, and the leader personally punished her to face the wall and think about it. The imperial concubine who was with her at that time was also punished. , I can't be talking nonsense."

Prime Minister: "..."

Tobe Minister: "..."

Why do both of them have the feeling that Ye Chuchen is talking nonsense?
"Hey, okay, okay. I have just returned to the palace, and I have to go back to the palace to take a bath first. After two hours, the ministers from the second rank and above will wait for me in the main hall. I have something important to tell you. Oh , the Holy Maiden and the three princes should also participate."


After all the ministers responded one after another, Ye Chuchen took people away.The rest of the ministers who were kneeling on the ground didn't get up, nor did they get up.

"Everyone, let's be flat."

"Yes, thank you saint."

"Everyone, get ready. After two hours, the ministers from the second rank and above will gather in the main hall."


"Saint, do you know what the emperor wants to say to the ministers?"

Huang Yi shook her head: "I don't know."

"Hey, every time the emperor shows this expression, something big is about to happen."

"And it's still a bad thing."

"This time, we won't be asking us to spit out spirit stones again, right?"

"Hmph, we didn't do anything wrong, why should he tell us to vomit!"

"No way, he is the emperor."

While talking, everyone looked at Huang Yi, hoping that she could give everyone a reassurance.

After all, once Saintess Huang Yi speaks, it will be crushed by her status.


After hearing what everyone said, Huang Yi lowered her head, turned around and left.

There was an instant silence.

They all felt a stormy momentum.

"Little Tian'er, let's go, follow me to open the imperial palace."

Back in the palace, Ye Chuchen dragged Ling Tian towards the underground palace without saying a word.

Thinking of the Demon Sealing Tablet in the underground palace, and that they had reached the level of Huang Lingsheng, Ling Tian felt a burst of excitement.

"Isn't the underground palace in the palace?"

"The underground palace is in the imperial mausoleum."

Ye Chuchen brought a group of people to the Imperial Mausoleum, and there was a vast expanse as far as the eye could see.

In the Hunyuan Continent, where demobilization is extensive, land is the least valuable.

According to Ling Tian's thinking, the tombs of the previous emperors of the Qinglong Empire are a huge tomb.Who knows, it is not.

Every emperor has a mountain range that is not high but extremely wide.

So many emperors died in the Qinglong Empire, the imperial mausoleum is so big that it breaks through the sky.

"Where is the underground palace?"


Facing Ling Tian's inquiry, Ye Chuchen was speechless.

She only knows that the underground palace is in the imperial tomb, but she doesn't know where it is in the imperial tomb!

"You don't know, do you?"

"Hehe, how is it possible. I..."

"Forget it, I forgive you. Let's go back and find someone who knows where the underground palace is."

"Uh, okay." Sure enough, Xiao Tian'er understood her.

So the group hurried back again.

In the Holy Maiden's Palace, a palace maid from Yechuchen's bedroom is doing a perfect analysis with Huang Yi.

"From my maidservant's point of view, Ye Chuchen must have returned to the palace because she was worried about you being in the Azure Dragon Empire, fearing that you would usurp her imperial power and make him a powerless emperor again.

This night at the beginning of the morning, it seems that he is not doing his job properly, laughing and joking, but in fact he is very scheming! "

(End of this chapter)

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