Chapter 990

Ye Chuchen waved his sleeves, a gust of wind blew past, and only a pile of dust the size of a palm was blown away on the ground, and it was blown directly onto the face of the saint.


Although the saint is not a good bird, she can be said to have killed countless people in the Azure Dragon Empire for countless years, but this is the first time she has seen such a disgusting and terrifying way of death.

So she was really disgusted by Ye Chuchen.

He was really intimidated by her.

After retching at this moment, the eyes that looked at Ye Chuchen were also full of horrifying fear.

The saint who used to be always high above the emperor has gone forever since then.

Looking at the difference between the saintess before and after, Ling Tian couldn't help but praise in his heart.

As expected, she was indeed a pervert at night, and her reputation would never disappear wherever she went.

This poisonous technique is not only frightening in modern times, but even in this fantasy land of cultivating immortals, she can run rampant like crazy!
"Your Majesty, I don't know why you came to see me?" Huang Yi suppressed the panic in his heart and asked calmly.

"Take me to the underground palace, I want to go into the underground palace to get things."

Huang Yi looked at Ye Chuchen inexplicably for a long time, and after confirming that he was indeed not a fake emperor, he said: "Your Majesty, you know that if you cannot reach the level of Huang Lingsheng, it is impossible to enter the underground palace. , also cannot open the gate of the underground palace.”

"Of course I know. I just want you to lead the way now, not to let you open the door for me."

"It's okay to lead the way, but your majesty..."

Halfway through speaking, Huang Yi stopped talking, just stared at her with wide eyes, and asked after a long pause, "You...have you reached Huang Lingsheng's level?"

Otherwise, why let her lead the way?
Ye Chuchen flipped his robe back slightly, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with a look of loneliness that was too cold at a high place, and said righteously: "Huang Lingsheng, is it difficult to reach?"

Huang Yi: "..."

What should I do if I really want to beat him up?
She was chosen as a saint since she was a baby, and she received the best training from the divine religion since she was a child. It took hundreds of years to reach the level of the early stage of the green spirit saint.

But this hob meat obviously only started to practice when he succeeded to the throne.

Even if she was blind before, this kid has been a genius since he was a child, but he was clearly only at the level of the Orange Spirit King when he went to the God Sect to study, why did she become a genius in just two months? Huang Lingsheng?

That's a whole 9 levels!

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and lead me the way!"


Huang Yi couldn't say anything, after all, her life was in Ye Chuchen's hands.

Huang Yi brought Ye Chuchen and his party to the imperial mausoleum.

"Your Majesty, there are restrictions everywhere here. You must use your spiritual power to soak up the restrictions with your dragon energy before you can find the entrance to the imperial palace."

Under Huang Yi's reminder, Ye Chuchen immediately mobilized his spiritual power.

Almost the moment she summoned her spiritual power, Huang Yi was completely dumbfounded.

Six... level six Huang Lingsheng! ! !

After the prohibition in the imperial mausoleum came into contact with the spiritual power brought up by Yechuchen, dots of yellow stars began to appear, as if many fireflies suddenly appeared in the suburbs at night.

And as the stars became more and more prosperous, the scenery of the imperial mausoleum in front of them also began to gradually change.

Originally, the imperial mausoleum was a series of mountain ranges, which were endless at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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