My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 991 The Dragon Buried in the Center of the Earth

Chapter 991 The Dragon Buried in the Center of the Earth
However, after Ye Chuchen's spiritual power was activated, a staircase slowly appeared in the distance ahead, and everyone present except Mu Hun and Feng Heng was very different.

Even Huang Yi only knew how to enter the entrance of the imperial palace, but had never seen the real imperial palace.

"Come out, let's go."

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen walked in the front, Mu Hun and Feng Heng stood beside them, and Xiao Yu and Huang Yi followed behind.

This staircase is very long and deep, and the further you go, the darker it becomes.

So everyone used their spiritual power, and the space below was instantly illuminated.

Although it has not yet reached the imperial palace, it can be seen from the 30-meter-wide staircase, which is enough to accommodate nearly a hundred people walking side by side, that the imperial palace must have been extremely majestic back then.


Mu Hun spoke suddenly.

Ye Chuchen stopped, looked at Mu Hun suspiciously and asked, "Why?"

Mu Hun simply blinked his eyes and said: "This staircase can't reach the end at a glance, it's so troublesome to walk!"

Ye Chuchen rolled his eyes at him, and murmured, "Mentally retarded!"

After all, he said to everyone: "Fly."

Ling Tian: "..."

So everyone flew up one after another, and flew towards the unknown depth below.

The more they flew down, the more frightened everyone became.


Originally thought that the steps extending underground were similar to those majestic palaces on the ground, and one could reach the entrance of the palace after walking dozens or hundreds of steps.

Unexpectedly, after this flight, they knew that Nima and the others had been flying downward for more than a quarter of an hour, and they hadn't seen the end of the ladder yet.

Suddenly, Ye Chuchen braked, and everyone stopped quickly.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Tian felt the surroundings where there was nothing and asked.

However, just after the question was finished, Ye Chuchen had already slapped Mu Hun's head with a "slap".

Mu Hun held his head in grievance, and asked angrily under the gaze of everyone: "My lady, why did you hit me again?"

Huang Yi: "..."

Knowing that Yu Guifei is Ye Chuchen's favorite concubine, but this Yu Guifei's address to the emperor is too strange, and she even called him--lady!
"Your sister, you are mentally retarded! Are you going to bury yourself in the center of the earth to survive? No wonder you are mentally retarded! Why don't you just put a tombstone on your body? This way you can die more thoroughly! "

Facing Ye Chuchen's violence and insults, Mu Hun pursed his mouth, showing a pitiful look, and stretched out his hand weakly to pull Ye Chuchen's sleeve.

"Emma told you that I'm not a lily!"

Mu Hun was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, with a "bang", it returned to its original state.

Originally, Huang Yi was so shocked by what Ye Chuchen scolded Mu Hun that he had some guesses about Mu Hun's identity.Now that Mu Hun had suddenly changed into his original appearance, Rao had already guessed it just now, but at this moment, he couldn't help being frightened and let out a scream.

"you you you……"

When she was a child, she saw the portraits of the four great beasts before their fall in the Great Elder's room.

But at this moment, in front of her, Concubine Yugui, who suddenly changed from a woman to a man, is exactly the same as the Azure Dragon Divine Beast that fell more than 500 years ago!

Ye Chuchen, she had already summoned the green dragon!
And Qinglong actually called... called Ye Chuchen... Lady!
So... what the hell did she know?
The emperor of their Azure Dragon Empire turned out to be a woman!
And she has already summoned the green dragon!

And Qinglong turned out to be her husband! ! !
 Build a building! The 2nd, 5th and 7th floors are the winning readers.Disciple is valid, repeated building is invalid
(End of this chapter)

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