My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 997 Stupid Dragon's Baby

Chapter 997 Stupid Dragon's Baby

Isn't there a man?
what a marvel!
Hmph, I'm so angry that I don't even let the stupid dragon take her for a stroll!

"You mentally retarded, you have abandoned my little Tianer!"

"Miss, I feel that there are good things in it, so don't take anyone there. Only my wife can enjoy it alone."

"Hmph, am I that kind of stingy person? Xiao Tian'er is my sister, and Xiao Tian'er and I have always shared blessings and shared hardships. I..."

"But it seems that there are all spirit stones inside."

Ye Chuchen: "...!!! Is it true?"

"Really. Lingshi seems to be the lowest level, and there are many treasures."

"Ahahaha! Muhun, you are so cute! Do you know that you are the most handsome I have ever seen you in this way!
Hahahaha, Xiao Tian'er is already rich enough, so I can't add more beauty to her, she should take a good look at the scenery here.I'll help her take care of the treasure and so on.I will give it to her when she is useful in the future. "

"Well, I think so too."

"Muhun, I know, I think you are very handsome today. This is your most handsome day in all seasons of the year."

"Well, I think so too."

Mu Hun has already developed a strong immunity to the shamelessness of his wife.

So when someone who was still a sister one moment ago, shared blessings and shared hardships, and was about to monopolize wealth the next moment, Mu Hun swore that he just had a little dick-d pain.

But this is limited to itching.

As for the wife, he felt that her wife was the most unique and best existence.

Muhun's flying speed was very fast. Although he didn't use his spiritual power, he was a divine dragon.This is just a palace that he used to be able to visit by walking a few more steps, but now he is completely familiar with going to the destination.

In almost a quarter of an hour, Mu Hun brought Ye Chuchen to the place where the treasures had been piled up.



Ye Chuchen glanced at the barren hill in front of him, and his eyes twitched slightly: "The treasure is placed in the barren hill?"

"No, there is a restriction here. After entering, it will be a treasure land with mountains and rivers. You will definitely like it, lady."

Ye Chuchen narrowed his eyes slightly: "How do you know? Have you recovered your memory?"

Mu Hun shook his head in a daze, his face didn't blush and he didn't pant when he spoke in a panic: "No!"

"Then how did you know?"

"I just know!"

Ye Chuchen: "..." Every time she faced such an answer from Stupid Dragon, she was always speechless.

However, someone still cares more about the treasure inside the restriction than the stupid dragon recovering his memory.

"There are restrictions here, and you can't use your spiritual power, how can we get in?"

"This restriction was set by me before. You can come in and out as you like if I am here. My lady, let's go."

Mu Hun almost couldn't wait to show Ye Chuchen what he had saved back then.

Those things that he discarded casually in the past have become treasures to make his wife happy. He is very glad that he did not throw away these things back then.

Ye Chuchen was dragged by Muhun, and quickly passed through the restriction.

Originally, there was only a scene of barren hills ahead, but after passing through the restriction, another scene suddenly appeared.

Mountains and flowing water, waterfalls and lakes, corridors and weeping willows, gazebos and chairs...

This is completely a super luxurious version of the beauty of the harem.

"Wow... so many babies!"

(End of this chapter)

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