My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 998 The Thief Who Steals!

Chapter 998 The Thief Who Steals!
Looking at the spirit stones randomly scattered on the ground, the huge pearls hanging on the trees, and the jade articles discarded in the grass...

Ye Chuchen's eyes widened.

She felt that she could get a good price for anything she took, whether it was going out or returning to Earth for auction.

"You are such a waste! How shameful! How can you throw such precious things on the ground and hang them on trees? Can't you find a place to collect these treasures?"

While Ye Chuchen was talking, she ran to the side of the road to pick up the baby.

Mu Hun, on the other hand, stood there and was stunned.

What about his stuff?
Where did the things he put in the prohibition go?

The few miscellaneous hairs on the peaty ground are not even a drop in the bucket!

The reason why he made this place into a taboo before was because there were too many of these things, so much that if anyone stepped on the ground, those spirit stones would definitely trap people like a few meters of snow!

But looking at the few trivial spirit stones scattered on the ground, Mu Hun felt a little confused.

What the hell, which retarded person stole all his treasures?
Seeing the ladies picking up trash one by one on the ground, Mu Hun felt apologetic and angry at the same time.

Oh shit!

The person who moved his treasure was either Ling Xiao or Yao Yuanshuang. Maybe the two saw him dead, so they divided up his things.

He treats these as rubbish, and these two people know it.

So his things were washed into the treasury by these two people?

Forget about Ling Xiao, at this moment, Mu Hun had the urge to rush to the emperor's palace on the Beizhou mainland and beat that little girl Yao Yuanshuang.

The majestic Beizhou emperor dared to steal his wife's things!

It's too much!

Ye Chuchen was still picking up things from trees and trees on the ground, looking at Mu Hun was extremely sad.

When did his soul-hunting wife need to live like this?

The more Mu Hun thought about it, the more angry he became. Just when he was about to get irritable, he suddenly remembered that when those people gave him things, he would throw them casually. Sometimes he didn't even bother to cross the restriction outside. Throw it into the ban...

There should be a lot of them thrown into the lake, right?
Mu Hun narrowed his eyes slightly, and when Ye Chuchen was still struggling to pick up something, he had already entered the water with a "plop".


Hearing the sound, Ye Chuchen jumped down without thinking.

After all, no matter how stupid he is, he is still his own man, and he is still injured, so she still needs to cherish him.

But after jumping into the lake, Ye Chuchen couldn't see Muhun anymore.

At this moment, she was floating in the lake blankly, wrapping her whole body with spiritual power, and the lake water could not soak even a little bit of her clothes.

Using his spiritual power, he quickly flew towards the water, and after a while, he reached the bottom of the water.

Originally, looking at the size of the lake, I thought the depth of the water was at least 20 meters. However, according to visual inspection, the lake is indeed 20 meters long, but ten meters of it are estimated to be used to pile up treasures.

Looking at the endless treasures that were dumped at the bottom of the lake like dumping rubbish, according to her visual inspection, a lot of high-quality emeralds, suet jade, etc. were ruthlessly crushed, Ye Chuchen's heart...

"My lady, how about it? Let me just say that I have a lot of treasures. If the lady likes these things, they belong to the lady. Let's pick them up quickly!"

Looking at the lake stretching as far as the eye can see, a full 10 meters of garbage is spread on the bottom of the water... Ah bah, baby, Mu Hun's heart finally relaxed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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