My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 999 What Is Your Palace For?

Chapter 999 What Is Your Palace For?
At least some of them were not taken by Ling Xiao and Yao Yuanshuang.At least the lake contains mostly blue or higher spirit stones, which will not deteriorate even after being soaked in the lake water for hundreds of years.

Unexpectedly, Mu Hun had just shown his merits in front of Ye Chuchen, and the next moment, Ye Chuchen shuddered several times on the forehead.


Mu Hun hugged his head and yelled loudly. After Ye Chuchen finished venting, he asked aggrievedly, "My lady, why did you hit me again?"

Could it be that the things in this lake are too bad?
But based on his understanding of his wife, she is not such a person!

"You prodigal son! How can you throw so many treasures into the lake? Why don't you go up to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun? Fuck! Damn mentally retarded! I thought you were so smart when you were not mentally retarded, It turns out that you just lost your memory from the beginning to the end, you are mentally retarded!"

Mu Hun: "..."

"Everyone's treasures are hidden in the dark room. Why don't you just throw them in the water, why don't you throw them in the trash can and burn them?"

Mu Hun: "..." Because I am too lazy to burn.Otherwise it would have been burnt.

Looking at the woman who was still irritable in the water, Mu Hun knew that he had caused trouble.He could only explain pitifully: "My lady, please listen to my explanation..."

"Okay, explain! If you can't give a good explanation, I will beat you!"

Mu Hun covered his head weakly and explained: "Actually... Actually, I put all my things on the ground. How could I be so stupid and throw these treasures into the lake?"

Ye Chuchen frowned slightly: "That's right. Otherwise, how mentally handicapped and heartless a person would throw these treasures into the water."

"Yeah." Mu Hun nodded quickly.

"Yes, I was not mentally retarded before, how could I do such a thing."


Another burst.

Mu Hun covered his head: "My lady—why did you hit me again?"

"Even if you didn't do it, you didn't put these things in the lake, but you threw them on the ground and someone else put them in the lake for you. You say you, a dignified green dragon, a beast, what the hell are you doing?" Can't we build a few tall palaces to store treasures?
On the way here just now, I saw many huge palaces in your underground palace. What the hell did you use them for? "

Mu Hun: "..."

It's too bad, the lady must not find out that his palace is used to pile up all kinds of comic books.

Mu Hun thought silently.

Seeing that Mu Hun remained silent and didn't answer, Ye Chuchen didn't want to scold him anymore.After all, this mental retardation still left her with many treasures. The treasures in this lake are enough for her to squander her whole life and become a high-level Bai Fumei.

"Forget it, let's not talk about you, come and help me collect the baby."

After all, Ye Chuchen turned on the system and began to collect a large amount of garbage from the bottom of the lake...babes into his own space.

While closing it, he couldn't help but ask, "What other entrances are there in this area?"

Mu Hun shook his head honestly: "This is a blind spot, all restricted, and there is only one restricted entrance."

"That's strange, since you said that you hid all these treasures on land, who is so powerful and wicked, can enter your restriction, and sweep the treasures you have collected so hard into the lake ?”

"It must be Ling Xiao and Yao Yuanshuang." Mu Hun replied without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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