Chapter 383 Four people set off
Fan Tianluo immediately told them that Huang Yurui was going to practice with them. Mo Xingchen's handsome face was as black as the bottom of a pot after hearing it. He only thought of one possibility in his mind, that is, Huang Yurui did not give up on Fantianluo Thinking of Xiao Luo already had Mu Yu beside him, and Huang Yurui, he felt that there was a lot of danger, and an unknown fire rose in his heart.

Huang Yurui patted Mo Xingchen's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't call me prince from now on, we are good brothers, we will walk a long way together in the future, hehe." At the end of the talk, he actually smiled treacherously.

Mo Xingchen's complexion was even darker. How could he not understand Huang Yurui's thoughts? This guy really has a heart for Xiaoluo. It is estimated that the old monster of the emperor also supported him in chasing Fantianluo.

After Mo Xingchen snorted a few times, he drove the person away, and he followed Fan Tianluo into the room, but Mu Yu followed him in desperately, making Mo Xingchen so angry that he wanted to beat him up even more.

"Mu Yu, go to bed first." Seeing Mu Yu standing at the door like a door god, Fan Tianluo couldn't help laughing.

Mu Yu shook his head and said, "I still have something to tell him." Then she stared at Mo Xingchen quietly.

Mo Xingchen almost vomited blood, while Fan Tianluo looked at him and said with a smile: "Then tell me, Xingchen, we will discuss our affairs tomorrow."

Mo Xingchen had no choice but to really beat Mu Yu up, so he could only follow Mu Yu to his room resentfully.

Fan Tianluo watched the two leave with a smile on the corner of her mouth, thinking of Huang Yurui again, I'm afraid this trip to Longguwu Great Plains won't be too boring.

The next day, after Mo Xingchen heard what happened to Yun Jun, he took out a small cup of holy spirit water and poured it for Yun Jun, helping him to be promoted to King Wu early. After all, they were leaving and they needed guards here. Yun Jun got Fan Tianluo's trust, He also trusted him, and even took the time to pick up his black jade ring, but he didn't go to the holy refiner now, so he could only do it first.

Yun Jun was already very grateful, and with this holy spirit water and other elixir, he believed that he could be promoted to King Wu within half a year, which made him very excited and he practiced more diligently.

On the third day, everyone had already arranged everything, and after saying goodbye to everyone, they set off directly to the south, because it usually takes three months for flying monsters to fly from the imperial capital to the southernmost part of Dongxun country, and it takes several years for ordinary people to fly None of them will arrive.So Huang Yurui had no choice but to ask the elder of the royal family to give it to him with his contract monster.

The three-month period was shortened to one month by this sixth-level flying beast with four wings, Qingluan, which also made Fantianluo jealous. When will she have a flying monster?

Looking inside, Little Bodhi and Little Mink seem to have fallen asleep completely, but Little Bodhi's leaves are more crystal clear and green, making people feel refreshed, while Little Mink is still sleeping on the trunk, and his body seems to have grown a little bit.

Fan Tianluo's life is not in danger, and she doesn't bother those two little guys to practice, after all, her own strength is the real strength.

A month later, Nanyue City, the southernmost town in Dongxun Kingdom, arrived. The sixth-order monsters were already very intelligent. After letting go of the four of them, they went back to their masters, and the four of them were walking more than 100 miles away from the town. walk.

When they were on the Warcraft before, they had already seen the large endless plain south of the town. A piece of lowland, shrubs, swamps and mud puddles, and many broken terrains made them tremble with fear. It is indeed one of the four major dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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