Grass bag evil phoenix dance for nine days

Chapter 384 Red Dragon Mercenary

Chapter 384 Red Dragon Mercenary
Nanyue City is about the same size as Duyan City, but there are many more people inside than Duyan City, and most of them are from other places. There are hundreds of mercenary regiments in one city, all relying on Longgu Wu Eat in the Great Plains.

The weather in the south in October is still very hot, and the four of Fan Tianluo were all wearing thin robes and walked towards the city gate.

There were guards waiting at the gate of the city. From a distance, it seemed that they were searching for something. Fan Tianluo couldn't help frowning. The management here seemed to be stricter than that of Duyan City.

The long city wall is made of special materials, green and a bit permeable, but it reveals a sense of simplicity, indicating that this town has existed for a long time. The gate like the mouth of a monster is ten meters deep. The word "Southern Guangdong" is engraved with flying dragons and phoenixes on the top.

Among the four young men, the three men are all handsome and tall, with a cool face, while the only woman is charming and stunning, with a faint smile on her face, like a breeze that makes people feel comfortable.

"Stop, outsiders have to pay one gold coin per person when they enter the city." A soldier stopped the leader Huang Yurui with a halberd.

"Who stipulates that outsiders need to pay gold coins to enter the city?" Huang Yucheng was furious when he heard it. He had never heard of such a rule, and he was the Crown Prince of Dongxun Kingdom. This was clearly a blow to the royal family. hand.

"Of course it's the city lord! Hurry up, or you won't be able to get in!" The soldier was still very domineering, but when his eyes swept over Fan Tianluo's face, he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Hmph!" Mo Xingchen snorted coldly, blocking Fan Tianluo behind him, and Mu Yu also walked forward with a cold expression.

"Your City Lord is so courageous!" Huang Yurui was obviously about to lose his temper.

"A Rui, don't argue with them, just give me a gold coin." Fantianluo's faint voice sounded from behind, she didn't want to start a conflict as soon as she came, their purpose was not here, they just needed to replenish things in the city, inquire about something For the things in the Great Plains, I plan to rest for two days to recharge my mind before setting off. After all, I have been on Warcraft for a month, and I really miss the delicious food and comfortable beds on the ground.

Huang Yurui was stunned for a moment, then he held his breath and took out four gold coins to the guard. Just when he was about to go in, the soldier smiled and said, "Masters and misses, you must be from big towns. A good inn is the Golden Inn, where there are authentic food, mellow wine, and hot springs, you can live there, it takes about a quarter of an hour to arrive here."

All four of them raised their eyebrows at the same time. This guy really didn't show his usual appearance, but they ignored it and went straight into the city.

As soon as I entered the city, I found that the people here had yellowish skin and short individuals. Everyone was in a hurry, as if they had endless things to do, with a strong sense of rhythm.

Most of them are groups of mercenaries who come and go in the same costumes, but there are also many tall and tall men. These men talk loudly, hearty and passionate, reminding Fan Tianluo of the Tigers in Duyan City.

Because of their outstanding appearance, and all of them are young and handsome, they immediately attracted the attention of many people. They ignored them and just wanted to find an inn to rest as soon as possible.

"Hey, what a beautiful little girl." A group of mercenaries in red robes just walked towards them, and a short and wretched man in his 20s at the front saw Fan Tianluo's eyes immediately lit up.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, like a fairy, there will be beauties in this place where the birds don't shit, what a blessing." The big men behind him also stared at Fan Tianluo.

"Blessed are you guys!" The wretched man laughed loudly, and walked directly towards Fan Tianluo.

Fan Tianluo saw the word 'Red Dragon' written on the badges on the chests of these people. It seemed that they were from the same mercenary group.

(End of this chapter)

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