The soldier is a girl

Chapter 119 120: Almost Tempted

Chapter 119 120 Almost Tempted

She really knows how to make him angry, this is not his personal soldier, it is simply his nemesis.

"Since I know so much, what is the bad thing in Wu Yong's body? Don't tell this general that you don't know?" Mo Ling wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but he pushed him away that day. So far, I haven't found an opportunity to ask. Although I was choked up today, it is still a good opportunity.

"It's been too long, I forgot." Now Mujin is considered half-disabled, so her temper is not very good.

After getting along for so long, Mo Ling has probably understood Mu Jin's temper. His personal soldier is quite capable, but his temper is also quite strong. Usually, he is fine. If he feels uncomfortable, his temper will come. This Reason he has verified several times.

"I'll find you another chance to take a look for Wu Yong." Because of understanding, and because he needed someone to do things, Mo Ling couldn't control his temper, on the contrary, he was a little gentler than before.

"To see a doctor who wants to kill me, who is sick?" This sentence is suspected of being a curse, and Mo Ling is second to none.

Mo Ling felt that his face must be green at this moment, he had never seen anyone who could be more irritating than Mu Jin.

"Let's talk about the conditions directly." He was definitely the first one who asked his own soldiers to do things in exchange for conditions.

"The story books, the general will read ten books to me, and I will show them to Wu Yong. Not only can you read them, but you can also cure them, as long as the general needs them."

It's this condition again.

If you listen to it once, you will not take it seriously, but if you listen to it twice, you will feel strange, so what about listening to it three times?Especially if it wasn't his job.

Mo Ling suddenly squatted down and looked at Mu Jin who was sitting on the ground, "Tell me, why do you always insist on asking me to read you the script?"

The suddenly easy-going voice and words made Mu Jin's eyes flash. She liked Mo Ling's voice very much. If Mo Ling became aggressive, she could ignore it, but once it softened, especially when she was so close, Mu Jin couldn't help it. resistance.

"I can't read." Mu Jin struggled a bit.

Mo Ling didn't believe it, and moved closer, "Mujin, this reason can't convince me, tell me, why are you so obsessed with asking me to read the script to you, eh?"

The last light grace was simply an existence that broke down Hibiscus' defense.

"because I……"

"Vice General Bai, isn't General Mo here? Why are you at the door?" The sudden voice interrupted Mu Jin's words, and even woke Mu Jin up.

Damn, she was teased by Mo Ling's voice, and this was without him knowing. If he knew and grabbed her soft spot, then would she still have a bright future?

Mo Ling felt it when Bai Ze was outside. It wasn't that Bai Ze couldn't listen to what he and Mu Jin were saying, so he didn't care. There is an intuition that what Hibiscus did not say is very beneficial to him, but now it is gone, and Bai Ze has to bear the consequences.

"Bai Ze, come in."

Bai Ze had already taken a few steps before he was about to slip away, but he shrank back when Mo Ling yelled, and walked into the tent with a smile, "Then what, I didn't want to disturb you because I have something to do, so I just Are you guarding outside the tent, what do you want to say continue, you can pretend that I don't exist, don't exist."

When Bai Ze came in, Mo Ling had already straightened up, while Mu Jin was still sitting on the ground.

Mo Ling glanced at the begging Bai Ze, shook his arms and moved his neck, "I haven't practiced for a long time, let's practice later."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ze's face immediately pulled down, and he was about to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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