The soldier is a girl

Chapter 120: Chapter 121: Lieutenant Bai

Chapter 120: Chapter 121: Lieutenant Bai

"If you get out of this tent today, I will practice with you every day in the future." Mo Ling's words immediately made Bai Ze back away.

Seeing that Bai Ze, who called his brother a stinky fart in front of him, behaved like a Mianyang in front of Mo Ling, Mu Jin smiled unkindly for an instant, absolutely gloating.

Seeing Mu Jin laughing, Mo Ling was also a little bit happier unconsciously.

"Have a good rest. As for the condition just now, I agree." After that, Mo Ling turned around and walked out, not forgetting to glance at Bai Ze when he passed by.

Mo Ling knew that if he asked today, he would not be able to get an answer, and he should be prepared to ask Mu Jin in the future, so the best way was to answer her request and find the answer.

Bai Ze only felt that the end of the world was coming, and Mu Jin was still smiling so gloatingly, without any sympathy, so Bai Ze gave Mu Jin a hard look before leaving, and then left with a mournful face.

Hibiscus was very unhappy at first, but now that she has more people to suffer with her, how could she be happy again? Sure enough, her own happiness is based on the pain of others.


In fact, there is no need to experiment, Mo Ling has already believed half of the prescription in Mu Jin's mouth.But he must be responsible to the soldiers in the barracks, and this test is not done for him, but for all the soldiers in the barracks.

Since it is an experiment, it must be recorded in accordance with the regulations, so the person who recorded this record must be the most authoritative and qualified veteran military doctor Quangui in the military camp.

The process is very simple. It is to check the pulse of Hibiscus first, and then come back to check the pulse after Mujin has finished drinking the medicine for a day. Every night, I come to have a routine pulse check.

Mo Ling and Bai Ze went to discuss each other, but they still gave orders.

So not long after Mo Ling left, Quan Gui brought his own luggage to Mo Ling's camp to diagnose Mu Jin's pulse.In order not to observe carefully enough, Quangui also brought another military doctor with whom he had a good relationship and a certain weight.

The role of the hibiscus white mouse was very well played, and it was very cooperative with the military doctor's medical consultation. After a long time of tossing, all the inspections that should be inspected were completed, and Quan Gui and another military doctor retreated.As for Mu Jin's wound medicine, Quangui said that he would assign someone to make the medicine for her so that it would be convenient for the whole process of researching the medicine.

These hibiscus don't want to worry about it, they just know that they will receive the medicine in an hour.

The departure of the military doctor restored the tranquility in the camp.

Mo Ling ordered to rest first, so Mu Jin didn't need to rush to do anything at the moment.

It was really uncomfortable to run six or seven miles after being injured, and I didn't feel anything when I persisted, but now Mu Jin felt pain all over her body and everywhere after she was free.

Not to mention the internal injuries, but there are also a lot of external injuries, and because I want to come back in the morning, I don't want to bother the people of the City Lord's Mansion for such a small injury, so I have endured it until now.

Sitting on her own small wooden couch, Mu Jin dug out medicine for golden sores and medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Mu Jin felt that she was very unlucky. She had only been in the camp for [-] days, but she was injured many times, and she didn't even need medicine. I went to the military medical account to ask for it. The key is that the injury didn't come from the battlefield, which is a bit ridiculous to say.

She took off her shoes and socks, lifted her trouser legs, and Hibiscus sat cross-legged on the wooden couch. Her face and hands were very dark, but the skin on her legs and feet was very fair. The fairer the skin on the legs and feet, the more bruised they were. Obviously, Mu Jin clicked twice, the general is really a cruel master, just pushing like that, it seems to hurt her.

Well, she is also responsible for this matter, so complaining or something is fine.

(End of this chapter)

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