The soldier is a girl

Chapter 214 18: Dispute

Chapter 214 18: Dispute

It's just that I haven't seen him for a year, at most he has grown a little taller, and because he is often buried in the mountains and forests, his skin color may be a little fairer, but his facial features are almost unchanged.

So when Mu Jin and his group fell behind the second battalion for morning exercises, they met many acquaintances on the way.

Yesterday, they all looked like savages. It was normal not to be able to recognize them, but today they are all cleaned up. As long as they are familiar, they must be recognized at a glance.

The so-called acquaintance does not necessarily mean that they must be on good terms, and those who are bad friends are probably more familiar than those who are good friends.

"Hey, look who this is, isn't this our Wei Baihu?"

"Didn't Wei Baihu go to be a pioneer? Why are you still doing morning exercises with us here?"

"Wei Baihu, tell me what's good in the deep mountains and old forests. Is there a lot of wild animals? Wei Baihu's fortune this year must not be small."

"It must be. Didn't you hear that everyone who came back yesterday was made of animal skins? How many beasts have to be hunted?"

"That's right, we were fighting on the battlefield, but they went to kill wild animals. They care about food and clothing. They are really happy."

"It's quite happy, but isn't our Wei Baihu still a Baihu?"

"I can't. Didn't you say that you are a pioneer? You must have a higher position."

"How high? No matter how much this beast kills, it's not military merit. How can you be promoted without military merit?"


A few people just chirped with you and me, although they didn't swear or swear, but every sentence was sarcasm, every sentence was insinuating, and every sentence stabbed at the heart of the heart.

These few people are none other than Wei Qiang's opponents when he was a hundred households in Wuying.

Wei Qiang is not tall, about the same height as Mu Jin, but he is much stronger than Mu Jin, and he looks honest, but don't look at him like this, his strength is awesome, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is born with supernatural power.

At that time, Mu Jin stayed because of his contrast. He was a veteran, at least two years earlier than Mu Jin and his group, and he had been a soldier for two years with his supernatural power. , but he just stayed on Baihu in a daze, and his opponent who came with him has already been promoted to Qianhu. Nian Bing went home, but he didn't want to hand over such a good opportunity last year, he didn't know what others thought, he only knew that Mo Ling would not go wrong if he took the lead in this matter.

It is absurd for recruits to lead troops. He didn't think much about Mu Jin, but he believed in Mo Ling, so he made the bet, and in the end he made the right bet, and it was much better than he imagined.

Wei Qiang has always ignored these verbal battles, it was the same a year ago, and it will be the same a year later, but...



It just snowed all night, so the most indispensable thing on the school grounds must be snow.

I saw that those balabala chatterers just now had a big cloud of snow in their mouths.

It was obvious that the snow ball was thrown from Mu Jin, especially since Mu Jin was still holding a snow ball in his hand at the moment.

" stop here..." The one who shouted was Lu Jian who was the first to spit out the snow in his mouth.

Mu Jin turned a deaf ear, brushed the snowball in his hand with his backhand and threw it out, hitting Lu Jian's mouth directly.

"I didn't rinse my mouth early in the morning, and I spit out some filth in my mouth. Washing my mouth with snow water is very clean, thank you." Mu Jin clapped her hands and explained kindly.

"Yes, yes, wash your mouth and dirty your ears." The voices of the people behind Mu Jin echoed, and they cooperated with each other, smashing the snow dumpling that they did not know when they picked up in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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