The soldier is a girl

Chapter 215 19: I don't care, you have to help me

Chapter 215 19: I don't care, you have to help me

Papa, one hit with one strike, all of them were thrown into the mouths of those who just talked nonsense.

"Look for a fight." Lu Jian, who is so competitive, how could he bear the loss of being dumb, shouting and rushing up, the five big and three thick bodies can smash Hibiscus flat when they fall down, let alone fight.

Wei Qiang knew that Mu Jin was very powerful, but the incident happened because of him. Just when he was about to step forward, Mu Jin suddenly ran away from the team.

"I've been beaten, help me, I've been beaten..." Mu Jin shouted while running, this completely unconventional approach shocked a group of people.

The person who followed Lu Jian and was gagged by Xue must have rushed up to beat him up with Lu Jian. Seeing that Mu Jin ran away, he was very disdainful and chased him even harder.

And the person who threw the snow ball behind Mu Jin, although he didn't quite understand what kind of joke Mu Jin was, after being shocked, he had to learn from the boss, so...

"I've been beaten, help me, I've been beaten..." Several of them left the team and ran away following Mu Jin's footsteps, shouting as they ran, even Wei Qiang, who always thought he was very stable, was thrown into a ball of snow Hit someone, then ran away.

"You son of a bitch, don't run if you have the ability, stop for me." Lu Jian chased after him and shouted, but after chasing for a long time, several times he tried to catch up but ran away again, his teeth were so angry that he was about to gnash his teeth. , and was hit by snow from time to time, obviously it was a ball of snow, but it was like a stone when it hit the body, it hurt so much, after chasing for a long time, they couldn't catch up with anyone, they also followed suit throwing snow balls, but people were more angry If they didn't hit each other, those people had their backs facing each other, as if they had eyes on their backs, and every time they hit someone who bent over, bowed their head or twisted their butt, they just couldn't hit them.

Although the school field was full of soldiers running in the morning, it was not very noticeable to run, but the speed was different from the speed of ordinary teams while running, and it was hard not to attract attention.

In particular, Mu Jin is not a fool, she only knows how to run around the school grounds, since she is looking for someone to save her life, she must have run away from the school grounds.

Probably God was helping Mu Jin, just after turning a corner and within a few steps, Bai Ze walked towards him, so Mu Jin decisively ran behind Bai Ze and stood still, "Vice General Bai, help me, someone is going to hit me. "

Bai Ze was overwhelmed by Hibiscus, "What's the matter?"

"I don't care, you have to help me." Mu Jin played tricks in a low voice.

"No, little Hibiscus, you want me to cheat for personal gain."

"It sounds like you are at a disadvantage. Those are Du Heng's soldiers from the Fifth Battalion. Sweet and sour pork tenderloin, chopped pepper fish, if the deal is made, I will do it. If I don't make a deal, I will go find someone else."

Saying that Mu Jin turned around and was about to continue running, Bai Ze quickly grabbed Mu Jin and shouted loudly: "Who wants to hit you and why, please tell me carefully. Let's see who is messing around in the barracks." The voice was just loud enough to be heard by Lu Jian's group of people who ran ten meters away, and these words made the group of people move forward or backward.

The people over there didn't hear Mu Jin and Bai Ze's muttering, but those who stopped behind Mu Jin heard it. The corners of everyone's mouths twitched so badly, I don't know what else is wrong with them. Dare to do it, the matter of buying the lieutenant is so special, what does it mean to go to someone else without a deal, who else does the boss of their family want to buy.

"They, that's them." The twitching went back to twitching, but the few people pointed at the dozen or so people who didn't know whether to go forward or backward without hesitation when Bai Ze finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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