The soldier is a girl

Chapter 232 36: Don't Get Dirty Shoes

Chapter 232 36: Don't Get Dirty Shoes

Wu Hai's words can be said to flatter Mo Yu first, and then directly convict Mu Jin, and then directly kick the task of giving orders to Mo Ling, and directly cover up whether Su Yingying lied or not. It has passed, it can be said to be brilliant.

The current situation is that Mo Ling should punish Mu Jin, and if he doesn't punish him, he will be protecting her.

Probably because she realized that the status quo was beneficial to her, Su Yingying stopped howling loudly, she just shed tears and looked at Mo Ling barkingly, as if she would cry for him again as long as Mo Ling said that she would not punish her.

Mo Ling glanced at Wu Hai, and Wu Hai smiled at Mo Ling, a treacherous smile.

Mo Ling took a look at Mu Jin, who had already lowered her eyes, looking at her nose and heart, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

In the end, Mo Ling looked at Su Yingying, "How do you want to be comfortable." To put it bluntly, it's like playing football, but to put it bluntly, it's to get used to Su Yingying, it just depends on how people think.

Su Yingying definitely wouldn't feel that she was playing football, she felt comfortable physically and mentally, and took a proud look at Mujin, who had a low brow and pleasing eyes, hum, brother Ling still protected her.

"I want her to apologize, and then go outside and roll around on the muddy ground." This punishment doesn't sound too serious, it's like a child playing around, it seems very harmless.

However, it is a kind of humiliation to ask a person to admit that he has done nothing wrong, especially the kind who are arrogant.

And Hibiscus is precisely this kind of arrogance.

"Mujin, do it." As soon as Su Yingying said, Mo Ling turned to Mu Jin and gave the order.

Compared to this kind of humiliation that didn't touch her bottom line too much, what Mu Jin couldn't accept most was Mo Ling's approval.

Asking her to apologize, does that mean she was wrong?She should stand and let that little girl bully her, right?

"Yes." Mu Jin clasped her fists in response.

This is a military order, it is power, not that her bottom line is too low, but that this kind of thing is not worth the price of her resistance.

However, she will never treat herself badly if she is too bright or too dark.

"Mujin shouldn't watch Su Shao fall coldly, shouldn't dodge when Su Shao bumps into him, shouldn't turn around and leave when Su Shao falls, Mu Jin should apologize to Su Shao." Mu Jin gave a military salute to Su Yingying, and said a few words The words sounded like an apology, but they also explained the facts, and this apology was considered very reasonable.

As soon as the words fell, Mu Jin turned and walked outside the tent without waiting for Su Yingying to speak.

"Oh, I haven't said I'll forgive you..." After Mu Jin finished speaking, she left. Su Yingying spoke dissatisfiedly, but when she saw Mu Jin's figure rolling around on the muddy ground outside, she paused.

Su Yingying wanted to make things difficult, but the other party moved too fast, if she said she didn't forgive him, what would she do if he rolled to the ground.

Facing this situation, Su Yingying could only curse, what to do so fast.

After looking at it for a while and seeing that there was no stain on Mu Jin's face, Su Yingying was instantly dissatisfied, as if she had found a vent, she got up and ran outside, kicking up the mud on the ground and splashing it on Mu Jin, This time Mu Jin didn't hide, Su Yingying's kick splashed mud all over Mu Jin's face.

No one expected that Su Yingying would run out suddenly, but she seemed to be familiar with this scene.

Su Yingying wanted to kick a second time, but Mo Ling said with calm eyes, "Don't get the shoes you just changed dirty."

Mo Ling's words made Su Yingying smile immediately, and put down her lifted foot, like a child who has snatched her favorite candy, raised her head and said to Mu Jin triumphantly: "Okay, don't get lost, I forgive you gone."

Mu Jin stopped, but her muddy eyes were full of coldness, no one dared to insult her like this before, she remembered this hatred.There was a price to be paid for daring to do this to her.

(End of this chapter)

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