The soldier is a girl

Chapter 233 37: A Basin of Cold Water

Chapter 233 37: A Basin of Cold Water

"Don't move." Just as Mu Jin was about to get up, Su Yingying suddenly scolded, and Mu Jin really stopped moving.

The reason why Su Yingying opened her mouth was because she saw some mud on the edge of her shoes, and seeing that Mujin had been scolded so that she could not move, Su Yingying lifted her foot and rubbed it against Mujin's clothes, rubbing the shoes twice to clean them, and then Satisfied, he said in a charity-like tone: "You can get out."

Looking at this scene, Mo Ling clenched his fists in his sleeves, Wu Hai's eyes were full of gloating, Bai Ze's eyes were a little bit worried, and Mo Yu's pampering to Su Yingying was also a little bit of research on Hibiscus. After all, he was Witnessing that Mu Jin is not afraid of Wu Hai, but now he can bear this humiliation like this, the more such a person is, the more terrifying he is. Is this humble young man really afraid of power or is he too tolerant?

When Su Yingying walked towards the tent in satisfaction, Mu Jin got up unhurriedly, bowed her hands to the tent with the curtains open, and then turned and left. She looked very embarrassed but walked in an abnormal manner. firm.

After a while, Mu Jin's figure disappeared from the sight of several people, and Su Yingying at this moment can be said to be extremely happy.

At this time, Mo Ling directly poured her a pot of cold water that was so refreshing.

"Su Yingying." It's just a name but it's colder than the unmelted snow outside the tent, "This is a military camp, not Yanling. I protect you today not for the sake of my aunt, but because you came with His Highness the Crown Prince." For the sake of a guest." The implication is that this face is for Mo Yu, "I know my own soldiers, and I know exactly what she will do or not do. It is enough for such a thing to happen once, and I will never I will make another trouble for such a boring thing like you. The people here are all soldiers who defend their homes and the country, not slaves you can call and call in Yanling City. Here I am the general , I want to protect the dignity of the thousands of soldiers under me, otherwise how would I serve the people, otherwise why would I lead these thousands of soldiers to defend this frontier, without them, why would you, Su Yingying, live arrogantly in Yanling."

After saying that, Mo Ling lifted his foot and left, leaving behind only a trace of determination.

Mo Ling's words made it impossible to refute, because he didn't protect Mu Jin, he should have been punished already, and these words were not for Mu Jin, but for the dignity of thousands of soldiers, because he was a general.And this is probably why he can command a party.

Su Yingying froze on the spot, she couldn't accept that the person who was protecting her one moment poured such a basin of cold water on her the next moment, and this basin of cold water made her not know how to react for a while.

Wu Hai's complexion was a little cracked. Although Mu Jin was punished, Mo Ling's image was even taller. There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and Mo Ling would not cover today's matter if he wanted to.

"My lord, I have something important to do at the end, so I'll leave first." Bai Ze directly said that he would get out of here. He really didn't come to watch the fun, but it was just that when Su Yingying was crying, he happened to leave rashly. It's over, and there's no need to stay.

Mo Yu waved his hand, and Bai Ze left as if he had been pardoned.

"The lower officials will also resign first." I have seen what should be seen, and it is not suitable to stay at this moment, so Wu Hai also chose to run away.

Mo Yu didn't stop him, but also waved him away.

When only Mo Yu and Su Yingying were left in the agenda, Mo Yu pressed the center of his brows wearily. Mo Ling gave him face, but what Su Yingying said was not condemning him from the side, condemning him for being too protective Looking at Su Yingying, it was because he was negligent, it was only because he had become a habit of protecting Su Yingying.

"Yingying, this is a military camp. Don't forget that Ling is a general. He has his duties. You have to think about him, understand?" Mo Yu did not criticize but used a comforting tone.

(End of this chapter)

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