The soldier is a girl

Chapter 234 38: Comfort from Bai Ze

Chapter 234 38: Comfort from Bai Ze
But this is enough for Su Yingying to reflect, after all, he has always been protecting her.

Mo Yu's advice was on point, Su Yingying didn't mess around, but just felt wronged, "Brother Yu, I didn't think so much..."

When she was at home, whoever didn't follow her, always wanted what she wanted, who in Yanling dared to embarrass her, she never had to do it herself if she saw who was not pleasing to the eye and wanted to punish anyone, today she has condescended , I didn't expect it to become like this.

"Go back and rest, don't run around if you have nothing to do, remember that this is a military camp, do you understand?" After all, it is the younger sister who has always been loved by Mo Yu.

"En." Su Yingying replied pitifully, then turned and walked towards her tent.

There are two flowers on each table.

After Mu Jin got up from the mud floor, she walked towards Mo Ling's camp with her body covered in mud. No matter how resolute her steps were, she couldn't conceal the distress she looked.

The distance from the discussion tent to the Moling tent is long or short, no matter how long or short it is, the patrol soldiers encountered along the way are too many to count on one hand.

And as a general's personal soldier, coupled with the aura of going out to train for a year, the existence of Mujin itself is a gossip.

Will no one know about Su Yingying's blocking of Hibiscus?No one will know that Mu Jin was called by the general?No one will know about Mu Jin's embarrassment now?
It must have been passed on ten times, hundreds of times and thousands of times. As for what version it has become, it is unknown. In short, there is nothing good to say.

But these hibiscus are ignored, and no one dares to provoke her in the open. After all, the fight that happened two days ago is still fresh in my memory.

Mu Jin didn't want to stay in the tent full of Mo Ling's breath for a minute, so she changed the muddy coat and trousers as quickly as possible, then took the clothes in the basin, took the cloth towel to wash her face, and left. Went to Crescent Lake.

Two days of sunlight is not enough to melt the ice of Crescent Moon Lake, but it can melt it into thin slices, at least it can be broken with a bit of force with a thicker stick.

Hibiscus chose a place with a relatively high water level, broke off a thick branch and knocked open the lake, dumped the clothes in the basin on the ground, bent down, filled the basin with some water, moistened the handkerchief, and washed his face clean. Then he poured out the water and changed the basin to a clean one, then he untied the hair tie and lowered his head to wash his waist-length hair into the water.

She didn't want to think about shampoo or something, but after living in the woods for a year, she found some substitutes, so she made one herself, and it's not bad for washing.

"What are you using, it's not saponins, is it?"

As soon as Hibiscus rubbed some on her hair, a hand reached out and took the box next to her.

"Does it have something to do with you?" Mu Jin didn't show any face.

"This is losing your temper at me, and you can lose your temper at me too." Bai Ze didn't care about Mu Jin's attitude at all, he was full of laughter, and it was good if he didn't turn a blind eye to him, so he responded twice.

Hibiscus remained silent, washing her hair seriously.

"Do you have this thing? Give me some." I don't know if Bai Ze really wants it, or if he has nothing to say.

"Yes." Mu Jin readily agreed.

Bai Ze was about to laugh, when Mu Jin's next sentence knocked him dizzy.

"100 taels." Saying that, Mu Jin poured the washed sewage to one side, and then bent down to fetch clean water.

"It's a robbery." Bai Ze's reaction was expected, "If you don't want to give it, just say it. Does the lion need to speak up?"

(End of this chapter)

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