The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2795 2051: Why is Ajin a woman

Chapter 2795 2051: Why is Ajin a woman
"Heh..." Facing Bai Ze's refusal, Bei Tangxiao only smiled inexplicably, then turned to Yang Wei and Pei De and said, "Will General Yang and City Lord Pei show you their face?"

"The second prince of Beitang has spent a lot of money." Yang Wei said politely with a straight face, then took three river lanterns from the entourage at one side and went down the steps.

"Thank you, Second Prince of Beitang." Pei De licked his face and smiled, took the three lamps and followed Yang Wei's footsteps towards the steps.

Seeing this, Bei Tangxiao nodded in satisfaction, and walked down the steps with the lamp in his hand.

Whether it was Bei Tangxiao's address, or Bai Ze Yang Wei's and Pei De's address to Bei Tangxiao, the common people around couldn't help but step back a little.

These titles are not to be offended just by listening to them.

The point is that this place is close to the border town, and the war has been fought there for nearly seven years. Some people's names are familiar to them, but they don't know if they are.

Thinking of this, the crowd immediately started whispering.

For example, this General Bai was the one who always followed the ghost-faced general on the battlefield, and for example, the second prince of Beitang was the one who was captured by the ghost-faced general earlier that year.

There is also the news of the exchange of protons and the escort of the captured prince in Yanling City. There is also the matter of changing the three cities. These are great achievements. How could the emperor hide it? People spread to every town in Chen Country.

But these are some people know some people do not know.

But this does not prevent those who know it from spreading among the crowd, so that those who don't know it will also know it.

For a moment, the topic in the crowd rose from the matter of five buckets of millet to a national event, and the discussion was so hot.

Those few people under the steps are not people who have experienced bloody storms. The idea and discussion on the steps have no effect on them at all. They are doing their own things.

Putting the river lanterns is to write wishes or pray for blessings, so that it is meaningful.

When merchants sell river lanterns, they usually come with pens and ink as gifts.

The lowest level of steps is only ten centimeters from the water surface. It can be said that when you squat down and stretch out your hands, the water waves are within reach.

Bai Ze, who was squatting on the bottom step, took out the pen and ink given by the merchant and fiddled with it, then handed it to Luo Lian, "You put it first."

Luo Lian was also polite, took the pen and inscribed on a hibiscus flower-shaped river lantern.

May Brother Ling and Ajin love each other forever.

The very simple greetings were full of Luo Lian's deep blessings. After finishing writing, Luo Lian put down the pen and picked up the river lantern in front of her. She looked at it softly, as if she was looking at something she loved. With attachment and reluctance.

Luo Lian didn't block it, Bai Ze saw the handwriting on it at a glance, then looked at Luo Lian's affection, and thought of Luo Lian's dependence on Mo Ling, could it be that she was on A Ling...

If Mo Ling was single, Bai Ze wouldn't feel anything, but Mo Ling was already with Mu Jin, and it was the kind of friendship that had gone through life and death, and no one could interfere.


However, Bai Ze had just opened his mouth to offer a few words of good faith persuasion, but his words were directly robbed.

"Why do you think Ajin is a woman... What a pity..." Luo Lian turned her eyes and smiled at Bai Ze, initially with a bit of sadness and regret, and then turned into relief and blessing.

(End of this chapter)

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