The soldier is a girl

Chapter 2796: Chapter 2052: Assassination

Chapter 2796: Chapter 2052: Assassination
Luo Lian seemed to be looking for a confidant rather than an answer.

After speaking, he turned his head to look at the river, and holding the hibiscus flower-shaped river lantern in both hands, he stretched out his hand into the water.

Bai Ze was shocked. He thought that Luo Lian had different feelings for Mo Ling, but it turned out to be Mu Jin. This is really...

But thinking about the extraordinaryness of Mu Jin, who looks like a man, it is not surprising to be admired by a woman, not to mention a woman, even he, a man, realized that he almost...

Fortunately, he is slow, otherwise...

"Her brilliance has nothing to do with her gender." Thinking of Bai Ze, he couldn't help sighing.

Bai Ze's words made Luo Lian, who had just put down the river lantern, look back in surprise, but all she saw was the top of Bai Ze's hair.

With her eyes down that hair, she saw him write on a river lantern with a pen: May Ah Ling and Xiao Mujin grow old together and live in peace.

Bai Ze's words also carried blessings for Mo Ling and Mu Jin, and for them, being able to live a safe life is the greatest fortune.

After finishing writing, Bai Ze wrote another one, this one was very ordinary, and it was about blessings to his family.

After finishing writing, Bai Ze put down the pen in his hand, and then stretched out his hand into the river with a lamp in each hand.

Luo Lian has been looking at Bai Ze since she heard Bai Ze's words, as if she wanted to see something from him, but she couldn't see his expression. There was no difference in the expression on her face, but she had an intuition that the him just now was different from the him now.

"Look at what I do, I have words on my face?"

Bai Ze raised his eyes and saw Luo Lian staring at him blankly, raised his hand to touch his face, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, his smile was like that of a big brother next door, warm and a little naive.

"No, I just think what you said is very reasonable." After saying a word, Luo Lian picked up a pen and wrote blessings to her father on the remaining river lantern.

Then leaned out and put the river lantern into the river.

It doesn't matter if she likes A Jin, A Jin is so good, no matter who likes A Jin, it should be, that will only prove that she has a good vision, because she is not the only one who likes A Jin.

Compared with the resonance between the two people here, Beitang Xiao Yang Wei Pei De's side is much simpler.

Yang Wei and Pei De wrote a few words of blessing, and Bei Tangxiao, as he himself said, threw the river lantern into the river without a single word.

Regardless of the method, the river lanterns belonging to their group were floating smoothly on the surface of the Niguang River at this moment.

"I didn't expect that I, Beitangxiao, would have such a leisurely and elegant day..." Looking at the river, Beitangxiao sighed, then turned and walked towards the top of the steps.

The rest of the people raised their heels upon seeing this.

And Bai Ze still took Luo Lian's hand in a protective gesture the moment he lifted his foot, probably because he was held too much and got used to it, Luo Lian didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, as if everything was going with the flow like.

However, just after crossing two steps, he felt a burst of murderous aura coming from behind him.

With one hand, Bai Ze pulled Luo Lian into his arms and bent down to avoid the murderous attack. With the other hand, he touched his waist and pulled out a soft sword, turning around and facing it directly.

With a bang, the weapons collided, sparking a spark in the dark night.

Blocking it with a sword, Bai Ze used this strength to hold Luo Lian and retreated, until he reached the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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