The soldier is a girl

Chapter 288 92: I'm afraid you'll roll off the ground

Chapter 288 92: I'm afraid you'll roll off the ground

"I just came in to rest. I just saw that Young Master Su was going to kiss my general secretly. I broke my mouth a few more times, and she slapped herself a few times to make a false accusation against me. As for whether she did it herself, it depends on that." Anyone who is not a fool can see the slap print." Mu Jin said while straightening the hem of her clothes, "How could I let her slander me, so I made a few more sophistry, then I went crazy and pushed me, pity me After fighting all night, I didn't even have the strength to trample an ant to death, but I can't stand Su Shao's push, Deputy General Bai, do you want to uphold justice for me?"

Bai Ze admitted that he was angry when he saw it at first sight, but after a while, Bai Ze thought he knew a little about Hibiscus, it was fine when there were people around, but he didn't believe that Su Yingying could be bullied like this when there was no one. Yes, but he was stupid to help Su Yingying in this scene.

"I don't know which of you is right and who is wrong. I only know that when I came in, I saw that you were going to beat someone. Ling was still in a coma. How can you take care of him when you make such a noise? Mujin is back and you don't need to take care of him. You can go back. .”

After speaking, Bai Ze dragged Su Yingying out, he was not afraid of her.

"Bai Ze, let me go, let go, you dare to treat me like this, be careful and I'll tell brother Yu to clean you up."

"If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten it. You'll save yourself the trouble of suing. We'll go now and tell you about your plan to steal Qin Ling."

When Bai Ze said this, Su Yingying, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly froze.

"I'm not going, I want to go back to the camp."

"That won't work. I have to talk about it when I see it, or I won't be able to explain it when the time comes."


The voices of Bai Ze and Su Yingying became farther and farther away, and Mu Jin let out a breath, finally calming down.

Glancing at Mo Ling, listening to the long breathing, she knew it was nothing serious. If it wasn't for having no place to sleep, she really didn't want to see him for a minute.

Thinking about it, Mu Jin lay down on her small couch, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

There is no way for her to take care of the injuries suffered by other women...

Mu Jin didn't know how long she slept, but only knew that when she woke up, her eyes were pitch black.

This is not the point, the point is that the temperature under the palm is obviously not the coldness of the bed, and the touch is obviously not the softness of the quilt.

Mu Jin suddenly sat up, pulling the wound on his shoulder so much that the pain caused by the tearing instantly woke up his still not sober brain.

But before she could observe the dark surroundings, a low but familiar voice sounded, "Are you awake?"

Although I don't like to see the owner of the voice, I have to say that Hibiscus's heart is relieved, at least it is a safe place.

No, how could he sleep with her, and no, how could she sleep with him without any suspicion.

"It's still an hour before dawn, and I'll sleep again." When Mu Jin was struggling with the problem of sleeping, Mo Ling spoke again, and directly stretched out his hand to wrap around Mu Jin's waist, pushing him down on the couch, and She covered the quilt very intimately for her, and then retracted that hand very politely.

Mu Jin's mind was in a mess, and she didn't know what was going on, but she still remembered clearly that she didn't want to see Mo Ling, even if she couldn't remember the pain that was torn on her shoulder, she had to remember it clearly.

"I'm on the general's couch?" Mu Jin decided to figure out her situation first.

"En." Mo Ling didn't say much, and only responded lightly.

"Then how did I end up on the general's couch? Sleepwalking and crawling over here?"

Sleepwalking is absolutely impossible, so Mu Jin's words are a bit ironic.

These few words were thorny, not at all unexpected by Mo Ling.

"You rolled off the floor in your sleep. I was afraid that you would be involved in the wound, so I hugged you here."

(End of this chapter)

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