The soldier is a girl

Chapter 289 93: Don't want to let go

Chapter 289 93: Don't want to let go

Mu Jin was instantly annoyed, she could still keep her eyes open and tell nonsense, she fell asleep and fell to the ground, is it realistic?

"Thank you, General, for taking care of me." I thought to myself, but Mu Jin didn't make any fuss on her mouth, who wouldn't play mediocre.

Mo Ling really couldn't answer these words for a while, such a hibiscus was more difficult to deal with than an angry little leopard.

He himself fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss, but it didn't take long, and he woke up in the afternoon. When he woke up and saw the familiar figure on the couch, he felt his heart came back to life , full of the joy of regaining what was lost, although he didn't believe that something would happen to her, but he really couldn't let go of her until he saw her intact.

Fortunately she is back.


He did not forget the scenes of last night. The most unforgettable thing was the look in his eyes when he watched the sharp sword penetrate her shoulder blades and then she was knocked to the ground by the drawn sword. His heart almost stopped beating.

At that time, he didn't know that she was invincible, and it was then that he knew that she was invincible.

The current situation does not allow him to regret, and he will not regret it, but he wants to suffer with her.

Saving people, fleeing, fighting, everything can't allow him to stop and think about her, and when he stopped, he didn't see her, but fortunately she came back, but with her temper...

"I'm awake too, so I won't bother the general to take care of me." Seeing that Mo Ling didn't answer, Mu Jin took a deep breath and opened her mouth again. She wanted to stay away from him. Su Yingying felt that Su Yingying was weak and she was strong, or was there some other reason, it was a fact that he gave up her, in front of him she was a woman who liked him, and as a woman who liked him, she would not accept all of this.

After saying a word, Mu Jin stood up again, but this time, she was held down by a force just as she moved her waist.

"Hibiscus, I..."

Mu Jin knew that her force value was not good, so she didn't struggle at all, but she didn't want to face him like this now, let alone listen to anything he said, since force value couldn't solve her problem, she could only attack with words.

"General, what can you give me if you hold me down like this?" Mu Jin ruthlessly smashed what Mo Ling wanted to say.

The so-called expression of intimacy is also the meaning of intimacy, and that sentence can give me something completely hit Mo Ling's nerves, but this is just the beginning.

Mu Jin moved forward instead of retreating, and then put her arm around Mo Ling's neck and kissed it directly, but it just fell apart at the touch of a touch, "Yiyeqing?"

Mu Jin's words made Mo Ling's hand on her waist uncontrollably use force, the strength could almost crush Mu Jin's waist, but her complexion did not change at all.

"Or a long-term relationship?" Hibiscus sneered, not sure whether it was self-deprecating or his sarcasm, "Not to mention the disparity in our identities, just say that we are all men, general, can we have a long-term relationship?"

Mo Ling pinched Hibiscus' waist with a little more force.

"Okay, even if we can have a long-term relationship, how will the general plan to treat me? Should I hide it or show it off? Can the general do it? As for hiding it, can the general do it?"

Not to mention other things, let's say that Mu Jin is an excellent soldier. Which general would hide her in such a soldier? Besides, if Mo Ling really has feelings for Mu Jin, he can't do this at all. This is taking Mu Jin as a pawn. Forbidden to raise her is destroying her.And it's even more impossible to put it on the table. He can not marry a wife but he can't break his sleeves, because he is not an ordinary person. It is impossible for her parents not to care, and to take a step back, they just don't care on the surface, and they will definitely try their best to get rid of Mu Jin in private, so how could he put her in danger.

So they are impossible at all, this is the reason why he has been resisting, but no matter how he resists, some feelings are simply irresistible, especially Mu Jin's non-resistance and that proactive kiss made him even more irresistible, he thought it would always be like this If you don't understand it, you don't understand it, but you don't want to be pointed out so clearly by Mu Jin, is she going to shrink back?

But what should he do if he can't let go, but he can't watch her go into danger...

(End of this chapter)

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